
What Sierra has been up to


The past few nights have been pretty good with the baby.  On Saturday night, she was sleeping pretty good around 8PM and I made the mistake of waking her up around 11pm for a feeding and she woke up frequently during the night for more feelings.

We smartened up on Sunday night and when she fell asleep around 8PM, we let her sleep until she woke up, and we went to bed as well!  Whoever came up with the credo “Sleep when your baby sleeps!” Was a smart person.

She is definitely transitioning from the eat-sleep phase and sometimes stays awake after a feeding.  I put her down on this activity mat and I’m not sure if she knew what to do with it.  But she was mesmerized which is what counts.  Mom and Dad are having a good time with her while they are here which is nice to see.  If they hightailed it out of here, I would know how they really felt about her!

Thanks to everyone for the comments that are helping us out and don’t be offended if we don’t get back to you soon in replies.  It’s nothing personal, we’re just taking things day by day!

2 replies on “What Sierra has been up to”

Un bébé ne vient pas avec un manuel lol Vous allez apprendre à vous connaître et tout vas très bien allez. Surtout prenez tout le sommeil que Sierra voudra bien vous donner 🙂

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