
The Trials of MD

Screw this.

My apologies to the younger readers of Palmer’s World out there but enough is enough.

Ever since EuroTrip 2005, thoughts of going to the doctor have been in my head after meeting Chris (aspiring Doctor-to-be in Chicago).

We all know in the winter I made an appointment with a doctor but when I showed up, there was a note on the door saying the office was closed due to an emergency.

Unless he had a major case of diarhea, I don’t care what is going on…you should call me before I have to leave work to get to your office.

Anyhow, after months of ranting to myself, I decided I may as well try again. Turns out that this is the only doctor with hospital privileges close to me so I give the guy another chance.

I show up, all is good, he walks in, asks me the standard set of questions:

  • Age
  • Marital Status
  • Kids
  • Any health concerns right now?
  • What do I want to accomplish?

I told him that at 27 years of age, I think it’s due time I start coming in for annual physicals.

Anyhow, he proceeds to tell me that judging from my age and no health problems, he doesn’t take patients in that fit my profile and that if I have any major problems that I can return.


But wait, I DO have a major problem. I have a problem with the fact that this guy isn’t proactive and wants me to wait until something is going wrong. Heck, you can’t really knock him for his outlook on life: “Don’t worry until you have to something to worry about.”. Man, it’s like he’s taking a page out of my life’s mottos!

Whatever. Then he passes me a form to read and fill out in the waiting room. Turns out that this form is all about setting him up as my primary doctor and that I cannot go to other doctors before consulting him.

I handed the form to the receptionist (who was cool by the way) and said I wasn’t interested in filling it out seeing that a young man with my health has no place in this establishment. She found it odd that he would not do a physical.

So there you have it. This post is dedicated to Carrie and Vero who were the two people pushing me to go to a doctor. Well, I did, and they just confirmed that clearly, I am in mint condition.

Do yourselves a favour. When calling for a doctor, and ask them if they are accepting new patients, ask them if they are accepting new, young, healthy patients or do they want some corspse wannabe walking through the door first.

Palmer out. I’m off to enjoy the rest of the day seeing that the doctor took a whole 3.14 minutes of my time. That’s right, I timed it. It’s py time baby.

6 replies on “The Trials of MD”

I think you should just go see an other doctor. That one is clearly just odd and un-efficient. Did he make you pass the test? No Can he tell just by lokking at you you’re in perfect health? No!

By the way, what’s the deal with doctors and that pic of hot girl in bikini?…Unless she was your doctor, I just don’t get it… (And I’m glad you won’t see her again ;-P

VERO: There is always room in any and all blog posts to include a hot girl in a bikini.

Vacationing ben

Let’s just say I don’t need a doctor if I have pictures of girls in bikinis.

Ryan, find another doctor. I believe your recent visit was to a quack. If you need a good family doctor, I can give you the name of mine. She’s awesome and believes in proactive healthcare but in order for her to do her job, you have to book an appointment and be just as involved in a healthy lifestyle.

That form is a standard form from Ontario Ministry of Health, and it does *not* prevent you from going to another doctor. (So they gave you some incorrect info there)

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