
King’s Quest III Remake

What is the greatest thing about the Internet?

That geeks from the old days get together and update key adventure games so that they are a lot more visually appealing and a lot more fun to play!

A few years ago, I stumbled upon AGD Interactive who redid King’s Quest I and II into VGA with the point-and-click interface that we all love from the mid-90s Sierra adventure games! Awesome. Good times are had. Sierra redid their original games with this interface but must have not made that much money on them (perhaps heralding the death of the adventuer game) so they didn’t bother with the rest of them.

In comes these great, great communities who revamp these old games and put them out there for free! Amazing!

I played King’s Quest III VGA for about an hour last night and am about 1/2 way through it. Why so fast? Well, considering I probably logged a good 250+ hours to do so when I was a child and really couldn’t find the magic wand for a good year and this was the day before walkthroughs and the Internet (although I’m pretty sure they must have had a hint book for sale – I had bought one for Police Quest!), I must say that I’m pretty well an expert of the game now and can whiz through it. I am overly impressed with the game so far and it has brought back fond memories and am awaiting the arrival of the voice pack for the game (although most of the time I just like to whiz through the text anyhow).

If you are up for a good time on the computer, download King’s Quest I VGA to start off your adventures in Daventry! My mom and I used to play these games and I think she gave up while I kept on truckin’. But I think she would have a good time with them nowadays and she should go ahead and install it on her computer.

On another note to my faithful readers, if anyone of you has my King’s Quest Collection, can you please return it?

4 replies on “King’s Quest III Remake”

My favourite point and click games were the Monkey Island series produced by LucasArts.

They were frickin’ awesome!

Surprisingly, I never were into them back in the day, but have recently downloaded the first Monkey Island to try out.

you will TOTALLY like it. I promise. In fact, we should get together and play it together. That would be awesome.

Tell ya what, you start it, and when Ferda and I come over to return the french practice test books, we’ll get down into it. And of course, we’ll bring the DS as well. 🙂

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