
Sierra at Six Weeks

It’s been a great week with Anne-Marie and Evan up for a visit to help out.  We all have a good routine going…I go to work, Véro wakes up and takes care of the baby for a bit, and Anne-Marie swoops in during the mornings when Véro needs a nap and helps out with supper and cleaning up around the house.  Once the afternoon hits, she and Evan can run off to Calypso or go shopping for the afternoon.  It’s a good system considering Véro doesn’t feel top shape some days until around noon.  It’s been great having them up for a long visit and I get a glimpse of how awesome it will be to have a seven year old run around the house.  My highlights so far of my visit with Evan are:

  • His persistent questions of “Have I ever seen Poltergeist?” and then when I download it, he gets scared to watch it as Mom told him he couldn’t.  Was he trying to use me to get to the ultimate prize?  Probably not!  He’s a good kid….right?
  • Seeing the couch being used as a personal gymnasium.
  • His frequent requests for me to steamroll over him.
  • His love of board games…we’ve played Zombie Dice and Wide World for most of the week.  We tried out Ticket to Ride Europe edition the other day as well but never ended up finishing it.
  • His chaotic love of superheroes.  Years ago his favourite was Spider-Man, then Hulk.  Now they are lame and Wolverine is what the cool kids love.  Hey, I felt the same way at one point.

We call this her Supergirl pose.  She does this constantly with her arm!

Onto Sierra…at six weeks old she is turning into an interesting character.  A few weeks ago when Véro went to the doctor, they figured she had colic and they would also schedule an appointment at CHEO to see a specialist about her reflux.  Two weeks later, she is pretty calm most evenings!  I’m pretty sure she was just getting bored with seeing my face every evening and started crying a lot because of it!  But as soon as new visitors came into the house for a week….she calms right down!  What a sneaky devil.

This may or may not be a farting face.  Hard to tell.


Either way, she is turning into what people probably refer to as ‘a baby’.  As in, she’s got hambones for legbones, she grunts a lot (I wouldn’t say she coos) and she smells like a baby after a bath.  All telltale signs of being a real baby instead of an ET look-alike!

She’s starting to interact a lot during my playtime with her.  I’ll put her on her back in the play structure and introduce her hands to her feet so she can figure out the connection between the two. I also have her touch different things so she can see how different things feel.  She also finds stretching her arms over her head to be interesting.

Look at the Buddha belly!

She definitely likes hopping around and we have called her Louie le grenouille.  I hop her from one spot to the other with a ‘boinggggg’ sound.  She seems intrigued by this.  When I say intrigued, I mean that she hasn’t started laughing or smiling much yet so I can only assume that if she doesn’t cry, she must be enjoying something!

This is how we stay in touch with family for the most part when they aren’t visiting.

We are starting to see little smiles creep out of her face and we think it’s not gas related at this point.  We like to try and capture these smiles on camera but they are hard to come by but I’m sure that will change in the weeks to come.

Honestly, six weeks in, Véro and I feel pretty lucky for all the help we are getting from family and friends and we are lucky to have Louie le grenouille in our life.

Sierra out!