
Backsplash Installation

Not too shabby.  Note: yummy shepard’s pies on the counter!

We installed a new backsplash as Vero didn’t really like my idea of just leaving some drywall with holes in it.  I suppose she had a point.

A few months ago we had the new kitchen counters installed in and that was quite the job to take them out.  I am glad to see that the kitchen is finally coming together.

Vero was definitely the expert during the installation as she had grouting of tiles in the bathroom along with my Mom a few years back.  Gaetan and I had an idea of what to do but Vero came in with the expert touch on what we should and shouldn’t do.

If the backsplash falls apart in three months from now, we can blame it on these three people!

All in all, with four people helping out, the job wasn’t too painful at all.  My main job was cutting the tiles and getting rid of the dirty water while Vero and Gaetan applied the grout.  Danielle was taking care of the baby and preparing some food for us which is arguably the most important job of us all!  There were a few bulges in the drywall which make some tiles stick out, but there’s no way we can avoid that at this point!

Sierra helped out Grand-papa when Dad was at work for the day.  He said she was a better helper than Dad was!

We did also put a new range hood fan in as well.  It was kind of a pain as the air vent did not line up exactly so we had to trim some of the metal back.  I also found out that LED bulbs are not useful in all situations, especially this one where when you turn the lights off, they still glow a little!  I ended up buying halogen PAR20 bulbs instead and they are supposed to absorb heat a lot better as well.  I have to say that the bonus of having a new range hood fan is to have a lot more light on the stove.

All that’s left to do is to put the electrical plates back up and touch up some paint.  Mental note for future: Always keep your paint colours written down!  Otherwise years later you are scratching you’re head trying to figure out what kind of yellow you used!