

I would like to congratulate two people who have made the cut to the right-hand bar blog area.

Jen – whose blog was an enigma for some time but then turned out to be an amusing read for yours truly, especially after getting some inside thoughts on the beast we all know, the hot dog eating man himself, Matt. Check out Come on – it’s simirable!

Troy – Heck, I haven’t even read any of his posts as his first forray into the life of blogging, but I’m sure it will be a good read filled with the things Palmer’s love: music, beer and good times. If the world had a clone of me, it would be Troy. Granted, he’s the older cousin, so I suppose I’m the clone of him. Whatever. Clones are cool. Check out The Palmer Project.

Let’s talk a little about Blog Etiquette. We’re all new to this so here’s a shout out for some advice.

Let’s be honest…some blogs on the right hand sidebar are dead ends. They have nothing new, as in people have dropped off the face of the earth. Seeing that EVERYONE who publishes something on the Net wishes to have it kept clean and tidy (right….), it is rude to remove a blog from your ride hand side bar if they just don’t make the cut anymore? Or is it good to leave it there for archival purposes? Let’s just say Matt’s blog has become close to the cut on many occasions to then jumpt back to life with grandiose posts about sumo wrestling in bubble wrap (bravo, bravo). So if you have any thoughts on this subject, air them out!

In a random news event of great things coming back from the dead – The Hilarious House of Frigtenstein is returning!!! Oh man, this was the greatest show ever! Especially with the disco wolfman. I heard it’s coming to the Space Network this fall.

13 replies on “Velcome!”

Your question: is it ok to remove blog links from the right hand side due to inactivity?

Answer: Hell yeah. If someone doesn’t keep the good stuff coming, in my opinion, it’s time to cut them loose.

Speaking of good stuff coming, I think its about time that the super_ap had a new rant…

…problem is nothing bad has happened. That’s the good thing about summer time: everything goes great!

Maybe you can do a rant about weddings in general. Like absurd things that happen like people who expect to be surprised by their gifts, but they check out their gift registry every day! 😉

It’s your blog so you can remove whoever you want… but beware of the consequences — like hurting someone’s feelings and making them cry. And then you, not wanting to hurt anyone in your good nature, would feel really bad. You’d probably end up adding them all over again. It’s best not to waste your time with removing and re-adding and it saves feelings in the end. 😉

Mel, you have an excellent point. Sometimes it’s just easier to live and let live.

MikeG survives the chopping block! 😉

oh please. You know it’s true Matt. You just don’t have much ambition during the summer months to blog.

I think fellow bloggers should recognize their short comings and ask to be removed from the side bar

Speaking of rants … I have one called speeding tickets %^&$#@! however it’s not a clean one so we can forget about it.

As for the right hand sidebar, rather than cut them out completely I think that you should have an A list of blogs then the B list for those that don’t really update that often.

Mike L

just because the content isnt updated frequently, doesn’t mean it isn’t a good site.

I like what Matt said.

Sometimes, great minds just can’t put what they are fathoming into these mortal things you call “words”.

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