
Visit from the Popes

I am falling back into my old ways of not updating the chronicles of my life and I need to get back on that train!

Maureen, John and Abigail visited for a week to help out Vero and Sierra while I hung out in an air conditioned office.  Heyo!  I’m acclimatized at this point with the hot weather but it’s definitely a struggle for anyone coming in from up North!  Heat wave city baby!

I was working all week long while everyone hung out at the house.  So I have a bunch of photos that were downloaded off the camera that I have no recollection of because I wasn’t there.  So for those pictures, I will just make up events surrounding the picture.  I also love that Maureen made a little booklet of these photos and sent it up with Mom and Dad.  Thanks Maureen!

Here is the first meeting of the two cousins.  They were figuring out how to hotwire the strollers to a battery pack so they could zoom away from their parents.

Here is Abigail teaching Sierra the importance of having an escape route from the house in case of alien invasion.  Sierra promptly asked her Dad to install a slide from her bedroom window when he got home from work.

Véro was teaching Abigail about the Olympics and how racing works.  Clearly she picked it up quick as you can see that was going to beat Véro!

This year I finally got around to perfecting the ‘cool tub’ for the summer months.  I checked a few websites and they said that around 89-90 is a good temperature for babies to go into the water so that’s what it’s set at.  It’s a great tub for these sweltering days we have been having!  Unfortunately the bearings went on the jet pump so we have the leave it off and on top of that, shortly after this photo was taken, I had to dump the entire hot tub of water because the cut off valves for the jet pump didn’t stop the flow of water!  Man, I was pissed.  Anyhow, Dad changed the bearing when he went home and I ended up picking up a new impeller as I have a tendency to crack them when I take them off.  Mom and Dad also gave me some new tools to help me with that in the future!  Hot tub maintenance is kind of a pain in the ass but it is necessary.  Anyhow, for the couple of times we tried out the cool tub, I would say it’s a success!

Also, the shirtless photo of me is courtesy of my friend Clive who specifically said “Dude!  I love seeing shirtless photos of you!  Put up more!”

I love how photos generally show the serene, nice events in your life…aww..hanging out with the niece…

But the reality is more like “What the heck kid, come back with that burp cloth!!”

I have to say it was pretty cool when I was hanging out with Sierra and Abigail sauntered over and climbed up to hang out with the both of us.

Mom and Dad told me that Abigail sometimes didn’t pay attention when photos of her were being taken.  I showed her how she can see herself in the iPhone when taking a photo and she was thinking that feature was pretty intriguing!

John and I had really high hopes of jamming a little, recording some tunes and doing all the things we have always wanted to do since we don’t get a lot of time together.  It ended up being a week of taking care of the kids, watching Rick and Morty and having a night of old school gaming.  So what if our plans get derailed?  We still had a great time together.

I can’t really figure out if Abigail was rubbing the Buddha belly for good luck or was trying to see what comes out if she pushes downward!

My girl already has eyes for a nice Italian boy seen in our living room.

Abigail was trying to figure out how to trap moquitoes with bubbles.

It was pretty awesome that Abigail liked playing ball in our backyard.  It was a glimpse into our future.

John and Maureen’s friend dropped by and someone snapped the greatest photo of Abigail ever.

Fredo decided to join the Pope Clan.

Aunt Maureen getting one last hug in.

It was great having Maureen, John and Abigail spend a week with us.  We are very grateful to all the family and friends who have dropped by and given us a hand for the past two months!  Now onto the next chapter…taking care of the baby ourselves!