

What a crappy deal this morning. I lost my ID badge AND my bus pass on the bus somewhere. I’m pretty sure I know exactly when it was lost…I had put my iPod in my pocket and it was a tight squeeze (we all know Palmer loves the tight pants because the ladies like the tight pants) and then I had taken it out once I found a seat. I bet my badge is lodge in between a seat somewhere on the bus. Argh! That’s even worse than just dropping it because someone would be gracious enough to throw it into a mailbox somewhere.

There’s always balance in life and I suppose the balance was created this morning when I found Ferda’s ID badge that she had lost at my house months ago. One ID badge found, one gets lost.

5 replies on “Lost!”

eek, that really sucks.

Was it a monthly buss pass or annual?

Oh, and great new look! Where did you find the template?

tight pants …. scary thought….that went out in the 80’s….so with no ID they actually let you in to work….and you really expect us at the post office to return the card if we find it…. hahahaha… NOT!!!

1_Atom Feed is now fixed. Don’t ask me whatever an Atom Feed is.

2_My pass was an EcoPass – through work. Costs $25 to replace. Doh!

3_I think there’s a link on the site somewhere for gecko&fly where I got the new template. Artoo showed me that all you have to do is Google ‘blogger templates’ and the world is yours. I’ll see if I like this one.

4_My thoughts in the Postal Service has plumetted after hearing that Uncle Gary. Nice.

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