
First Weekend Alone

Vero decided to up and leave us in the dust…and when I say that I mean that she only left for a few night so she could hang out a cottage with some friends.

Armed with a three day supply of pumped milk, I was ready for the challenge!

The Friday night was pretty easy as it was a regular routine.  Feed the baby the bottle a few times, watch some Star Trek and go to bed.  She was a decent sleeper that night.  She generally spits out her soother at various points in the night and if I manage to get it back in her mouth in time, she doesn’t scream.

The next day I fed her in the morning and then that kid fell back asleep for hours.  It’s weird when you have a day planned out for the kid and then she just decides to pass out for the majority of the morning!

See?  She’s still alive which is the main goal of taking care of a kid.

Behind the scenes of the filming of when Fredo met Sierra.

My main goal for that Saturday afternoon was to head out to the woods and take Sierra on a trek.  I was hoping to do so in the morning but considering I basically have a sloth for a child, we decided to head out after lunch.

With a diaper bag in tow with a beer in its pocket (among other child essentials), we drove over to the Vars cemetery and walked for awhile.  I have to say I really dig this little baby carrier that you strap onto your chest to carry her around in.



The kick ass Vars cemetary path.

Someone had WAY too many apples that they needed to get rid of.  I’m thinking it’s Mike.

At one point I headed to ‘the spot’ which is a great little area next to a river.  However, there was an ATV parked there so I figured I would leave the guy in peace and head out on another trail.  While I have to say this trail was a little treacherous because I stumbled into a thorny patch, it also led the way to another path that I never realized linked up to the cemetery entrance.  This means that I had successfully found a looped path!  I showed this to Véro a few days later and she was impressed (but not impressed by the amount of time I was taking to cut down the thorny vines to clear the path!)

Sierra and I did manage to head back to ‘the spot’ when the ATV had left and she enjoyed a nap in the sun while I enjoyed a beer in the calm of the woods.

The spot!

Do-do time.

Clearly other people know about this spot considering the firepit I found.

Tummy time is very important!

That night Sierra and I headed over to Limoges to visit Nat and Marc for supper.  Benoit and Cinthia were also there and it was a fun night to show Sierra to people because she has started to speak a lot.  Aka, trying to communicate!

Benoit showing Sierra how a camera works.

Cinthia and Nat approve of the awesomeness which is Sierra.

It was a great supper with friends but we decided to hit the road after her bottle and head home to go to sleep.  I don’t dictate when kids sleep, they dictate when I should go to bed!

That night was a little rougher than the night before but all was well when I snuck her into bed with me.  Sure, Vero and I agreed to try and limit this action with our baby but hey, a nice warm bed may be what the doctor ordered sometimes!

The next morning was spent sleeping in for the most part and around noon Mom showed up!  Thank the Maker!  I have to say that I enjoyed having some one on one time with Sierra and I would like to say that it made me realize how hard it is to take care of a child and how much I think Vero is doing an amazing job…but I already knew that before she left me with her for a few days!

Yay, Mom is home!

They proceeded to dance together for 3 hours.  I think Mom missed Sierra.