
Baby Desgroseilliers

I know the ladies reading this want the details up front so here it is:
6 pounds, 11 ounces. A baby boy!

That’s all you need to know anyhow, right?

So, after the wedding was done, we got home and called the hospital once again and it sounded like nothing would happen for awhile so we crashed for the night and headed to the hospital in the morning.

Got there around 10:30 and was able to see Annie for a bit and then I left again to pick up Mike who was at a brunch. Turns out that wherever he was at (perhaps a relative of some sorts) was the same place where Alanis Morissette grew up in Ottawa. Coolness! Coupled with this amazing brunch, I was glad to have dropped by to pick him up. I said goodbye to his family as they headed for Kapuskasing and then Mike and I drove back to the hospital. Luckily the torrential downpour had stopped by this time as it was hell to drive in on the way over. I would also like to take this time to thank the moron who splashed me in a tidal wave of murky water while walking to my car.

When we got back to the hospital around 1:00 we headed for their room but were asked to wait outside. Then we heard someone counting up to 10 and then we realized that the child must be coming around sooner than we thought!

The nurse asked us to wait down the hall in the waiting area which is essentially some chairs near the elevators. Two hours passed and nothing much happened so we were bored stiff. Plus, the elevator had this annoying bell that would ring even if no one came off.

I took a snooze to awake to the most surreal experience of my life. Let’s backtrack for a moment – I don’t care for hospitals. I’ve never really been in them and the closest I’ve been to actual emergencies is when my sister slammed my fingers in a door (OUCH!) and watching ER or Grey’s Anatomy.

So when Mike awoke me and I was kind of in daze, a slew of doctors/nurses whatever and Eric were hightailing Annie to the operating rooms and then they were gone. This threw me for a loop and I thought I may have been still dreaming. But no, it turns out that this was the real deal and it shook me up. Mike and I were bewildered and didn’t know what the heck was going on. This was at 2:30. It felt like this weird dream that I had not awoken from.

10 minutes later we see a group of doctors/nurses/Eric run back across the floor and there’s this little thing with a whole lot of hair being carted back the other way. Eric was a mess so we didn’t know what the heck was going on as we don’t want to interrupt them in doing their job.

I think an hour went by and Mike and I were just wondering what could have happened and hoping that everything was alright.

In the end, everything was alright! Eric came out to tell us that a baby boy had been born and Annie was resting! Life was good, we laughed, I paid Mike the $2 I lost on a bet (I was pretty sure a girl was coming this way!). Vero and Annie’s cousin Simon showed up a couple of hours later and we hung out in the waiting room for awhile until we ended up going to see the new mother and her child. It’s a beautiful son they have and he’s been born to the best parents that ever could be (except for my own).

I’ll give you more updates as they come in, but all I can say now that the miracle of childbirth is pretty crazy. I can only imagine how it was in the actual room. But they all perservered and everyone is doing fine.

Welcome to the world Baby Desgroseilliers.

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