
Review: Snakes on a Plane

Heh heh heh…we all knew it was coming. SNAKES ON A PLANE!!!

We finally managed to go and see this film, and even though Benoit thought it was the worst movie ever (or was that X-Men 3?) we decided that we would embrace this movie in all the goodness that it could provide.

Mike, Vero, Trish, Sena, Jennie, Sophia and Spencer hit up the movie on Wednesday night at the World Exchange Plaza. Because it was a movie that’s been out for awhile, it got shifted to the smaller theatre. I would say 100 people could fit inside this room. It was good times laughing at the fact that we were the only ones in the theatre but then two poor souls came in behind us. I hope we made their stay enjoyable.

The movie has everything that is good in this world. Crummy dialogue, bad acting and a whole lot of snake gore. If you can think of any way a snake can kill you, well, it’s been done in this movie. I also appreciated the fact that Samuel Jackson’s famous LINE from the movie looks so out of place in the entire film considering he is always calm and serene up until that point.

We laughed, we cried, we heckled the screen. I have never been to a movie where a word comes out of my mouth in respect for the rest of the audience, but when the audience are your friends out for a good time to see SNAKES ON A PLANE, you can’t go wrong by laughing out loud at the screen everytime a snake slithers by.

Two thumbs up for this movie EXPERIENCE. I say this because most of you will be disappointed if you rent this thinking it’s a good movie. It’s a really good B-Movie. Watch it with friends and just laugh!

Favourite Line: “What we need to do, is make a barrier between US and the SNAKES!” – Captain Obvious himself, Sam Jackson.

On another note, Trish gave me my belated birthday gift which turned out to be a sweetass thermos with a picture saying “I *heart* Thermos Dogs!”. Ugh. Trish grew up on Thermos Dogs (as opposed to what she writes in this blog entry, which describes thermos dogs.). I don’t think she’ll ever convert me, but I’m glad I have a trusty thermos to carry them in, in case of an emergency. Thanks for the ingenious gift Trish!

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