

Last night after a grueling class with our first meeting of the minds in our group (I hate the awkwardness of meeting a group for the first time. We were all just standing there like we were on some first date), I left class at 9:45 and headed to the bus stop.

Waiting there for 15 minutes I pondered how the bus service can suck so much late at night and woe was me as I was kind of in a rush to get back home to see Mike’s parents off.

Anyhow, an 85 pulls up and I’m thinking “By this point of waiting for the 95, when it pulls up it will be packed to the gills and probably pass me by so I should just hop on the 85, ride to St.Laurent then wait for the 95 there since St.Laurent is usually a drop off point for a lot of passengers.”

So I get on the 85 and after two stops it veers southward instead of heading east young man! WHAT? Ah man, did I screw up the bus number? I ring the bell and get off. At this point I’m wondering if this is a sign of some sorts that I should stay in the downtown core tonight with Vero. I brush it off and say “Nah, I gotta get home. Haven’t been there since Tuesday.”

As I’m walking back to the last stop where I can catch the 95, I arrive and see not one, not two, but THREE 95 series busses pass me by! Incroyable! As I stood there bewildered at my rotten luck, I realized that I should pay attention to these signs and realize that it’s pointless to head home. It’s already 10:30 and I just spent 45 minutes waiting for buses and I’m still 20KM outside of Orleans.

This was it. This was the definite sign to hoof it back to Ottawa U campus. But the question is – why?

At first I thought it was to find Vero outside of the Residence with all her friends and there was a BBQ going on. Did the heavens bring me back to campus for a hamburger and to see my lovely girlfriend? Not sure…doesn’t seem earth-shattering to me.

Was it to demonstrate my dancing move entitled “THE BOWLER” to Brad in which I skinned my elbow on the pavement? Not sure…probably not. I can skin my elbow anywhere else.

After retiring to Vero’s pad I was pondering this situation with Vero in which she was pretty miffed that the reason that I came back was to see her! 😉

But then it happened. The heavens shone their uv light down on the television set as I hit Channel 50.

The Hilarious House of Frightenstein.

OH MY GOD! There it was in all its badly edited, horrible acting glory. Vero was thinking “What the heck is this show?” while I was saying “Please let the Disco Wolfman make an appearance…YES, there he is!”

We watched it for 15 minutes and decided to go to bed as it was already 11:30.

My night was complete after witnessing Frightenstein. I can’t wait to get our cable package to watch the entire series.

One reply on “OMG BOLLY, ITZ A SINE!!!!”

The dicso wolf was the BEST part about this show!! I saw it on the other day as well and I thought the same thing too…I remember getting up on Saturday mornings to watch this show….hahaha Good to see it back on the air…for a laugh of course 🙂

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