
Sit Down with the Calculator

Here’s a tip to save some money (potentially) to all you long distance plan users out there.

We had the $20/month, unlimited long distance plan from Rogers. We just removed it because we live in the world of Skype and where long distance isn’t just from the provider anymore. Heck, I remember changing long distance plans in college every few months so I could get free stuff. Rumour has it that Sens tickets were actually given to switch over to Sprint at one time.

Here’s the scoop from yours truly after getting off the phone. Turns out that if you get rid of any long distance package, long distance within North America is 9 cents a minute.

Whoa. You know, years ago it was pretty sweet when it was 10 cents a minute but I remember that those deals were few and far between.

So there you have it…9 cents a minute. Now, if you think of the $20/month package, that would equate to 222 minutes, or 3.7 hours.

If you’re like me and don’t speak on the phone that much anyhow, perhaps you should look into NOT paying the $20/month package to speak to your loved ones over long distances, but go for the basic plan. Coupled with Skype and (only 2 cents a minute people!) you are talking instant goldmine.

However, if you speak a lot of long distance and you don’t feel like going on the Internet (or are unable to!) to set up a phone call, then the $20/month is for you.

3 replies on “Sit Down with the Calculator”

Break down and cry?

I’m just looking at things that help me out and am passing them onto you. I feel that I am lazy person generally but if I take the time, I’m probably saving myself $50/month by looking at the little things.

If you have a couple of Digital Bell services you can get a deal for your long distance with Bell. I have a plan which is $5 per month for 1000 free anytime min. This is ok for me since I don’t go over the 1000, but I do make a bunch of calls to Ottawa. I don’t see myself hitting the 16+ hour limit.

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