Concert Reviews

Review: The Trews UNPLUGGED – Carleton U Ottawa

Every Inambition
Fleeting Trust
Hollis And Morris
When You Leave
You’re So Sober
Tired of Waiting
Makin’ Sunshine
I Can’t Say
So Shes Leaving
Poor Ol Broken Hearted Me
Montebello Park
Travelling Kind
Travelling Down The Dark Highway (New Song)
Ishmael And Maggie
Not Ready To Go
Sympathy For The Devil Here’s another rip-roaring review of some rock n’ roll. However, this set was different. It was UNPLUGGED baby. Yes, that’s right. How the oldtimers did it, with a stompin’ boot and an acoustic guitar.

Krista, Mike and I headed over to ‘Mike’s Place’, a pub inside Carleton U for a few beers and when Joe showed up, we changed the night into a euchre match. Although Joe and I lost the first game, we upped the stakes, and I’m proud to say I was the owner of two free beers after 30 minutes of playing. Thanks Mike and Krista. You are great sports!

Now, the last time I was at a concert at Carleton U, it was at Porter Hall across from a Muslim Prayer room (sorry about the rock concert gents!). This was time it was in some room called Alumni Theatre. Envisioning some grandiose hall where we would get a great view of the stage, I was dismayed when Krista told me that this was one of her old classrooms.

A classroom you say? Say it ain’t so!

Sure enough, turned out to be an auditorium style classroom, which, in of itself is not a bad thing because even in the back row, you’re getting a good listen and a good view. We pulled up to the left of the stage, found us some seats and settled in for the ride.

The Trews came out in fine fashion and I felt like I was in someone’s kitchen with them banging away on their instruments. Very intimate. This is the stuff I live for. Sure, I dig the rock n roll, but I also dig the acoustic stuff also.

There was this older dude sitting in front of us who was having the time of his life which was awesome. You see, in a classroom setting, what are people used to? Sitting down! So most of the time, the crowd was sitting back enjoying the show (which is fine in this setting I have determined). But this guy wouldn’t have it. He was egging the crowd on and dancing up a storm. His wild antics convinced me to stand up and enjoy the show. Luckily I was near the wall so I wasn’t blocking anyone’s view if I hung around the wall area. My ONLY beef with this guy is that he would yell out randomness during a quiet part of the show and I was thinking it may be recorded so it irked me to think of always hearing this guy yell something like “It’s only rock n roll baby!”. I quickly got over this and realized “Hey, this is a rock show! Let the guy be!”

Got to hear Travelling Kind which is a fave of mine, and we can’t forget the great drinking song o’ Ishamel and Maggie. Sympathy for the Devil at the end of the set was also a crowd pleaser.

Excellent, EXCELLENT time at the concert and Mike managed to snap quite a few good pics with his new camera.

3 replies on “Review: The Trews UNPLUGGED – Carleton U Ottawa”

Now I am confused.. I read your Clapton review….do you support standing or sitting at a concert?

Bearing in mind that 25 years ago there was an WHO concert in Cincinnati that was a no reserved seat on the floor concert (festival seating) that several people were killed by the rush and throng of people trying to get in the door.

In my opinion they shoud have an area off to the side that you can stand where there is no interference to concert goers that prefer to sit. The best sound is dead center (echo effect) that is the attraction to floor SEATING. bowl seating there are only a few seats in comparison that are in the “front” of the stage.
Regardless, enjoy concerts but they are just too dam expensive these days.

I still support standing at a concert. However, I think this one is an exception to the rule considering

a) It’s in a classroom.
b) It’s an acoustic show. Not rock your brains out material.

In all cases of standing up, if I’m blocking the view of others, I’ll try and move out the way. But that wasn’t allowed at the Clapton concert. 😉

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