Concert Reviews

Review: For The Mathematics CD Release Party

After the Trews concert, I wanted to check out one of my fave local bands – For the Mathematics.

Math rock baby. At its finest. Trish joined the crew to head over to Barrymore’s (which was Krista’s first time!) and we found out the set had just started. Excellent!

Picking up a beer, peering at the stage, I was impressed with the new songs and the old. However, one thing in the night really bothered me.

There were no CDs available at the CD Release party!

Man, that has to be a blow to the band. I felt bad for them. I would be livid. I don’t know who is responsible for that royal screwup, but whatever.

All in all, they put on a decent show, but I remember seeing them at Café Decuf a few years back and their show was more intense. It could have been the fact that we were all crammed into a small room together.

Pick up their new album ‘We Impend’ if you can find it around the area! For math rock fans only.