
Happy Birthday Dad

Here’s to one of the cooler Pop’s on this Earth, the man who can play the accordian like no other, my Dad.

I don’t even know where the heck you are at this point considering you’re traipsing around southern Ontario with Mom, but wherever you are remember these thoughts:

There once was a dad like no other
Who would sit on my head and fart like an older brother
I coughed and gagged
While you sat and laughed
Here’s to the birthday of my father

Boy, do I have the way with the words! I’m a regular Beatle or something. Mind you, I don’t think any of the Beatles delved into this type of content.

2 replies on “Happy Birthday Dad”

You’re quite a lyricist!!! I’m sure all the top musicians will be knocking on your door.

Happy birthday Uncle Scotty.

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