
Review: La Soif de l’or and Random Shakers

On Friday night, Vero, Mike, Claudine and I headed out to Hull to check out a play Vero’s friends were in. The play was called ‘La Soif de l’or.’. We arrived at le théatre de l’ile which is right across from the hotel I swim at. It was a very nice theatre, but I swear I could hear the airplanes going overhead through the log roof.

Anyhow, the story revolves around a mining town where something has gone awry (aka, someone getting killed), as well as talks of the mining company shutting down some jobs in the area. All in all, I really enjoyed this play and I recommend people go to it if they have the chance. I had a good laugh when I realized who Vero’s friend was as she had changed her hair colour. She was the token ‘lady’ of the streets in the play which was funny considering she was dressed up the same way I saw her the last time.

Unfortunately, I didn’t catch the last part of the play where they revealed the big plot twist. The reason of this is due to Mike, or should I say, Mike’s spicy sausages for dinner. Right near the end of the play where the most dramatic part is about to come up, there is silence, there’s no music, someone is whispering and then it happens.

Mike’s stomach grumbles in what sounded like a a fart. In a silent theatre, it sounded like the cry of a wildebeast, or more appropriately (for Maren), a coyote howl.

As I had visions of remaining calm and respecting the actors on stage, I let out a little snicker. That started the cavalcade of laughter between Vero, Claudine and I. You know when you’re trying not to laugh because you’re in a quiet room and not trying to disturb anyone so all you do is have this silent laughter and once in awhile your vocal chords let out a little girl laugh? Well, that’s what was going on. I felt bad for the people in front of us having to deal with our laughter.

The problem was, it was one of those times in life where I couldn’t stop laughing. No matter how much I tried, it just came back to me. As I type this three days later, I am still laughing. Anyhow, I had to leave my seat to not bother anyone else. But then the play ended thirty seconds later so in hindsight, I should have just stayed there.

Anyhow, I’d like to put a shout out to Mike for giving me one of the best laughs in awhile. Claudine even commented that she hasn’t laughed like that since she was a kid.

After the play, we headed over to Carrie’s and Holly’s place for a little get-together which was great. We brought over a portable record player and put on a record that Danny had found at a garage sale. All it has on the cover is a naked woman and some German wording. So we figured we would ask Philipp what it was all about. Hilarily enough, when he saw it, he was having a good laugh as the entire album was some sort of pornography record from the 70s. We all had a good laugh listening to it with Philipp translating. Not a bad purchase Danny! We even went onto Ebay to see how much it was worth and found it for $10 in Yugoslavia. That album gets around!

Good times were had at Carrie’s and Holly’s – got to check out Holly’s new bed, walked around in a lab coat for awhile and witnessed the marvel which was Carrie’s new remote control farting machine. That thing was great, but not as great as Mike.