
Review: Lucky Number Slevin

Last night I popped in a movie that Mike had rented and said was pretty good. I hadn’t popped in a movie in awhile (what’s wrong with me? I think it’s my mass television show watching that takes up my time nowadays) so I figured if I wasn’t into it, I would just shut it off.

Well, was I in for a surprise. Lucky Number Slevin has everything I like in a movie. Intriguing characters, not your general storyline, and good dialogue.

At some points I even though the dialogue was reminiscent of our favourite Tarantino movies. Not really having to do with much, but amusing nonetheless.

The movie revolves around Slevin, who shows up in town to stay with his buddy Nick Fisher but when he gets there, he is nowhere to be found. Unfortunately for Slevin, he is mugged on the way and has no ID, hence when some thugs come looking Nick Fisher to pay back some gambling debt, Slevin can’t prove he isn’t Nick Fisher so he gets brought to the ‘boss’. The boss wants him to do something for him to remove his debt and then chaos ensues.

While this may be the setup of a serious action flick, it’s really a dry humour comedy. Josh Hartnett’s (Slevin) repartĂ©e with everyone is amazing and I wish I had his aloofness. He claims he has some condition called adorexia where the person doesn’t worry about anything. So it’s pretty funny when this ‘boss’ comes to him asking him to do some pretty major stuff and Slevin really doesn’t get concerned about it. He just shrugs and tells them that they have the wrong guy but realizes resistance is futile.

Big, big, big actors in here – Sir Ben Kingsley, Morgan Freeman, Lucy Liu, Josh, Bruce Willis…you can’t go wrong. Man, I love Bruce Willis in these roles. He’s the laid back guy who just has this air about him.

For anyone who has seen this film, I had a feeling I knew what was going on since the flashback in the beginning of the movie. Call my bullshit if you will, but I had the feeling. Not like when Mike thought about something that happens after the credits in X-Men 3. He totally checked out the spoilers on the Internet for that thoughtstream.

Two big thumbs up for this flick. Catch it and you won’t be disappointed. I send this post out to cousin Shawn as he and I have similar taste in movies and I thought about him while watching it.