
Use, not

Now that the Christmas is slowly approaching (wait, no, it’s here! What the heck?!), it’s time to think about gifts.

I have some scoop on how to get a little more for your money this holiday season.

Everyone knows about the website You can order anything your heart desires off of this website.

There is also, the US equivalent.

Now, USUALLY when someone buys something from the States, it gets dinged at the border with duty/taxes whatever and the price pretty well is the same as you would get it in Canada. It all depends on how much the item is to begin with.

But, what if I were to tell you that if you order from, all you have to pay is the exchange rate, and you wouldn’t get dinged on duty/taxes?

That’s what’s been going on for the last while. Our good friend, Benoit has tried this out for the Alias boxset. I have not heard from him on whether or not he received it yet, but his friends have contacted me and said that they have had NO problems using this method and receiving the items without duty/taxes.

The theory behind this? Amazon is a globalized company. In their wisdom (and to save on shipping costs), they fill the order in from the closest warehouse – hence, the one located in Canada, NOT the US.

Caveat emptor people…this may not be a guaranteed thing. Maybe they’ll figure us out one day.

7 replies on “Use, not”

Are you SURE about this thing? With all the fantastic Turkey-day deals from (including a $100 Core 360 deal), I want to do it!

However… I don’t want to be dinged for duties either…

Well, all I can tell you is that I`ve seen it work with others. Can I guarantee anything? Of course not!

But in my studies, I heard a rumour that it only works on dvds, music, etc. people were also questioning if they coudl get the x-box. doesn’t hurt to try, right? You will save even if you have to pay the duty/taxes.

I buy computer stuff from all the time and when I track shipping they never hit me with duty. It could be that it is computer parts?

hahha…I was just going to comment on that. Well that is strange that it comes from the States considering when I order from, it comes from Markham. Either way, perhaps there are certain things that don’t get dutified.

For a man as wise as Ryan……. how come there is no holiday booked in the US for Black Friday….. why are you not at a WALMART at 5AM….did u see the prices of items on sale?

NOOO Kidding. Man..I have never really paid attention to Black Friday before. That thing is insane.

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