
Climbing the Ladder

So, as you may all know, I may be responsible for borrowing Rob’s ladder for the better part of a year. Well, he finally came to collect a few weeks ago, but I didn’t have the foresight to put up my Christmas lights beforehand. I use my ladder twice a year – once to put them up, once to take them down. A purchase of a ladder seems useless to me. ACTUALLY, I should have looked into renting one for the day instead of purchasing one.

Anyhow, it was a beautiful, beautiful day on Saturday with the sun shining bright. We haven’t seen too much sun in awhile so Vero and I decided to walk to Canadian Tire to check out the ladders. Once we get there, we find two ladders that I have to choose between.

One, is the household grade – load rate of 200 lbs. $40.
The other, a professional grade is rated for 225 lbs. $70.

Now, here I am thinking I don’t really feel like forking out an extra $30 on a ladder for an extra 25 lbs. Then I start wondering what does ‘load rating’ actually mean? Is it really the maximum they can guarantee safety for and after that, they are not responsible? After debating this point with Vero (as I though the 200 pound one would be fine), she convinced me to get the Professional grade one. I seriously doubt that the ladder would simply crumble under the weight of this 200 lb man along with a bucket of paint, but I figured, why take the risk? So please, someone reassure me that the 200 lb ladder could have definitely supported my weight!

Anyhow, we walked the ladder back home and stumbled into Eric and Annie along with Eric’s parents who were hunting the neighbourhood for us. After chatting, we got home, fixed an eavestrough (well, I hope it’s fixed now…I haven’t tested it yet) and Vero and Caroline put up the Christmas lights. They look supreme. I’m not going to turn them on until December 1st, but I figured why bother waiting until it’s -20 degrees outside to put up lights when I can put them up on a nice warm day? Let’s flashback for a moment last year when I was at Eric’s freezing my hands off putting up HIS lights for him. I don’t know how that happened. Plus, I heard the 2 year-old kid next door banging her little shovel on something and said “Hey Eric, it sounds like she’s hitting your car!” and then he said “Nope, she’s hitting yours!” and then I look back and sure enough, there she is banging her shovel against my car! You can’t get mad at a two-year old so luckily the mom came over and scooped up her kid.

The evening brought us to the main strip to catch the Parade of Lights! We happened upon the sign outside the firehall and thought it would be a great event. I can’t even remember the last time I saw a parade, although I have a vague recollection of a parade in Abitibi Canyon which is strange because I was 3 years old. Perhaps it wasn’t a parade…maybe a carnival of some sorts?

The parade was amazing! We opened up the thermos of hot apple cider and watched the spectacle pass us by. Being a parade of lights, all the floats had a generator hooked up to them and it was a bright sight! I especially like the OC Transpo bus decked out a like a Santa Claus! Hilarious! We were very impressed by the parade as it lasted a whole hour. Good times were had and I think the entire population of Orleans showed up for it. If you have the chance, come out next year!

3 replies on “Climbing the Ladder”

Sounds like you had a very fun weekend – ladders, lights and parades AND VERO! You are a very lucky guy!

You are probably thinking of the Winter Carnival in the Canyon. I lived there for 17 years.

Bob Hunter

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