
My Thoughts on Christmas Lists

Santa Claus (no E) writes:
“$341.00 for a christmas list…..I hate Christmas lists… my my what ever happened to .. imagination, listening, looking, making mental notes….Come on folks….. this is Christmas, time to give surprises…not things that people tell you to get….”

For once, I agree with one of the comments left on my site. Santa Claus has hit the nail on the head.

I personally do not care for wish lists. Sure, when I was a kid, they were fine because you could hint towards your parents about the things you wanted…especially the ONE gift you couldn’t do without.

But nowadays, when everyone can afford anything they want (well not EVERYTHING, but a lot of stuff that would make it onto a Christmas list at least), I would rather be surprised with my gifts. I would rather people take a step back, think about who I am and realize what I would appreciate.

Now…the reason I made the list is for the people who just aren’t around me enough to figure out what I would like. Let’s take the parents for example…living away from them, they can’t peruse what I own and say “Hey, Ryan probably needs a new hammer!”. It’s hard! Hence, the list makes things a little easier, or at the very least, gives an idea. For example, I listed a few Beatles books on my list last year. The parents didn’t get me them, but they picked up another gem of a Beatles book which I’m reading right now which is really great! It’s probably the best gift I got last year. (Vero, if you’re reading this, I’m lying…your gifts were the best! You know it’s true!) So with the list, they deduced other items that I would enjoy.

So…do I like the idea of a gift list? No…but I understand why there is sometimes a need for it. Sort of like wedding registries.

Where wish lists go wrong is when a person is DISAPPOINTED that they don’t get something off of the list. That’s just lame. Remind me to introduce you to coal next year bub.

As for the $341 comment…holy crap, I don’t expect to get anywhere near all the items on the list. It’s more of a ‘pick and choose if you can’t figure out anything else’ deal.

One reply on “My Thoughts on Christmas Lists”

Ho ! HO ! HO !…. well put….Now lets get out and shop shop shop…by the way…. RYAN ? have you been a good little boy this year? Or have you been Naughty? I would like to hear your good and bad summary for the year !

Have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS young man …. and be imaginative when giving gifts… and just watch people smile 🙂

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