
Ferda’s Birthday

Good times were had at Ferda’s birthday. I started out the day recovering from the YPS (Young Public Servants) Christmas party which brought us to the Naval Association, Paddy Bolands and the ever faithful Heart and Crown. We closed down the Naval Association and it was nice to sit by the fireplace at Paddy’s as we encountered an ice storm during the party. Maren and I thought we were literally going to fly off the bridge at one point.

I then went over to Claude and Sylvie’s to help Claude set up his modified Xbox. While most of the night was spent figuring out his wireless router, we achieved mild success and are now plagued with problems concerning the version of the XBMC he is using. Will have to do some further digging.

After picking up Mike and Trish, we headed to Barrhaven for the party. I had some moments of serious doubt while driving out there as I couldn’t tell if I had past the turn-off or not. We finally managed to find the right street and we got out of the car and started searching for their house. Here is an excerpt from that night’s conversation:

Trish: Hey, isn’t their house number 96?
Me: I don’t know?
Trish: What about the street name? They live on Palmytown (name changed) Hey, we’re only at #32 on the house numbers!
Me: Well…we must be on the right street. Hey, when did they build apartment buildings here?
Trish: Ryan, are you sure we’re on the right street?
Me: Of course we are! Let’s go find a street sign. Here’s one…it says…Gallywagger.
Me: (pondering)
Me: Ah crap.

Then we all had a good laugh as we were lost in the maze which is Barrhaven (or any suburbia for that matter). I knew generally where we were as I am a human compass and discovered we were one block off from the target.

The party was in full force when we arrived. The majority of people were downstairs playing the new Nintendo Wii (which is fab). We had some munchies and chatted with everyone while trying to evoke some good Hollyisms from Holly.

I hope that Ferda equally had a great birthday party!

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