
Ezra’s 8th month

I had these grand aspirations to update the blog on a weekly basis considering we are practising social distancing due to COVID19 but once again, a monthly update just seems to work better for me.

As I write this, I have just begun my parental leave for four months.  We are in a transition period where Vero hasn’t started back at her job yet and I am off of mine.  We don’t really know what Vero is getting herself into…rumour has it that she will either work from home or have to report to work a few times a week to help with filming during COVID19.  We shall see what happens.

If the first week was a shock to the system, we found that the following three weeks were easier to get into a routine.  Sierra has put a large dent into Disney+ in the mornings while I logged onto the network!  She enjoys a good mix of the old and new movies from Disney.  Currently she is liking Onward, The Jungle Book and Peter Pan.

Parental leave is definitely going to be different than I envisioned (but all our lives are!) and I will have Sierra for awhile longer as I’m not sure when the daycares will open.

Ezra himself is turning into a fine young man and in the past week he has learned how to crawl!  There were a few times where we grabbed the video camera to film him crawl only to have one knee forward and then he falls over.  But by April 10th he was motoring around at a good clip!  This is a whole new world to him and to us!  We have to get around to baby-proofing other things in the house now!  I think it will be an exercise in patience to live with Sierra and Ezra at the same time.  For example, I put Ezra into the playpen and only noticed afterwards that Sierra had decided to give him some non baby-friendly items to play with!  We will have to be vigilant in keeping an eye out for things that can hurt him.

With a week to go to my parental leave Ezra decided to be nice to me and sleep entire nights!  Vero was NOT impressed.  🙂  It seems that in the past week we can get him to go to sleep around 7:30-8:00 and he will wake up after 3-6 hours of sleep for feeding and then be fine for the rest of the night.  Vero did witness him sleep an entire night one time but that hasn’t happened again but surely it will!  It’s an exciting transition period for us.  Vero commented “We have our evenings back!!” when we realized that both kids were in bed at the same time.  Actually, they both seem to align their afternoon naps as well which is fine with us.  As Mom said to me years ago “It gets easier every day.”  I can’t believe this smiling crawling human being was a screaming mess four months ago!

This is definitely the period of parenting in which I care the least for…he is not happy in a jolly jumper or in the circle of neglect (aka the exersaucer).  He has found freedom which means motoring around the house which means we have to chase him all the time!

Sierra is pretty good at feeding Ezra

He was loving playing with this piano.  I had to take it away because I looked over one time as he was screaming and the thing had toppled onto him

I love how he remained sleeping after I came back from a walk!

Comfy seat.  I believe this may have been the first weekend of ‘social distancing in our backyard’.  For history: social distancing is trying to keep 2 meters away from others (this does not include family members of course).

Taking some sunshine in

Bahaha!  This photo is t-shirt worthy.  I always crack up when I see this one.

Ty and Dana put on a show on St. Patrick’s Day over video chat so Ezra wanted to dance

Sierra definitely likes holding Ezra these days

Even Fredo gets in the family photos once in awhile!

Nice walk in the Larose Forest before they closed the trails for the spring thaw

Godzilla coming in to destroy some blocks

I wanted to go for a walk one afternoon.  Here was Minute 1 of the walk.

Here was Minute 10 of the walk!  We had walked into a blizzard!  I’ll take snow over rain any day.

Vero went into town so we put a poll up on Facebook to determine which mask she should wear.  She ended up going with the black face mask.  I’m not sure why she didn’t take the Trooper helmet.

Playing hide and seek with Sierra


This gives us a few minutes reprieve when we need it

We take a lot more walks these days

If he only knew how close he was to figuring out how to crawl!

Maman and Ezra

I wanted to go on the elliptical so I decided to see how he would enjoy it.  He definitely bobbed around but I think he was enjoying it

Two bottom teeth appeared out of nowhere!

If he could only figure out how to continue onwards!

“Hey ladies.”

He really enjoyed wearing my cap!

Poisson d’avril!

Bedsheets are always a kid’s best friend!

There was a birthday in the neighbourhood and I saw on Facebook that this root bear will come and visit during COVID19!

I predict this will be my future for the entire summer

Peek-a-boo deluxe

I saw this guy out near the swing set one morning!

Posing for a photo

It’s so nice out that we can eat outside once in awhile!  This is the perfect time of year…the sun is shining and THERE ARE NO BUGS!  This was taken with my new Iphone 11.  It was pretty great with its portrait mode.

The portrait mode uses software to figure out what to keep in focus and what not to keep in focus.  If you look closely Vero’s face is a little out of focus because it didn’t realize she was an object to keep in focus.

Airplane rides!

Vero had the smart idea of putting his swing on the actual swing set instead of the tree branch

I had a good laugh when I saw this bingo game!