
My Thoughts on The Weather and Global Warming

“Oh, global warming is killing the planet! Look at the lack of snow!”

“The apocalypse is coming! Along with his horsemen of no-snow!”

“Hey, is that a puddle in my yard?”

Sure, these are things that I’ve heard all over the place this winter. All with the tagline about global warming.

I call bullshit on all this gobbledygook talk about global warming affecting this year temperatures.

Alright, alright, ya got me, I have no proof. I can’t make ludicrous statements like “Global warming doesn’t affect the temperatures!!!” or “James’s new TV is the cats meow!” or “Matt is a uber-geek!” without any proof.

I just think that these weather specialists/global warming enthusiasts are jumping the gun a little here. It’s only one mild winter – granted, it’s never been seen before. But what is everyone going to be saying if we get the normal winters we’ve had for the next seven years? “Oh, I suppose it was just an off-winter.”

If next year is the same, THEN I’ll start thinking something is awry. But for now, I’m sticking to my guns and not jumping them.

…however…I am a fan of environmental consciousness and do agree that the citizens of this fair world needs to change their habits to help with climate change, and whatever other environmental problems we cause. I do agree that global warming is taking place…that’s a fer sure. We have to stop it. What we need to do is create a bio-dome of sorts to start it off right. First, I shall watch a Pauly Shore movie to get some knowledge base.

So, back to the weather specialists…are they jumping the gun? YES!
Are they the smartest people in the world by using the weather to get their point across to the general population that we are messing up the world and that we should fix things? Yes, most definitely.

iplaying: Somersault – Zero 7 (When It Falls)

3 replies on “My Thoughts on The Weather and Global Warming”

According to CNN: “The Earth is recalibrating itself: Last year, we had a cold winter, and it’s balancing itself out now… Meteorologists say the warm spell is due to a combination of factors… El Nino… the jet stream… short-term fluctuations… forecasters said the mild winter does not necessarily mean global warming is upon us.”

Actually, no I haven’t seen the Inconvenient Truth but cannot wait to see it! Sounds intriguing! I’m sure it goes on about how we are killing our planet Earth which I totally agree with! There’s a difference between how I feel about the environmental changes to the Earth, and our current winter experience. 😉

As for Sammy’s comments – bravo. Nice…so there are some meteorologists out there that aren’t hyping the global warming.

Can I just say that I couldn’t remember the proper term for ‘weather expert’ before? ha ha.

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