
Biography on Philipp

In late December, I handed in my final paper to my Qualitative Research Methods class – a 20 page biography on Philipp and his views on the comparison of German vs. Canadian customs.

This became my first A+ paper in my life but I owe it to a few people, namely, Philipp himself. When writing a biography, I didn’t realize how much of it writes itself considering I am just restating what his own views are. In some instances, blatantly copying down his every word. So to Philipp, I thank thee as you pretty well wrote most of this report. I don’t know if this is just a byproduct of writing a biography. I don’t think there would be an instance where a biography wouldn’t be a rehash of what the subject has stated, unless it was a biography of a dead person.

Some items of note:

  • Some of the report is…well…false. Like the points of talking over the phone with Philipp. Didn’t really happen. 😉
  • I added the photos after the fact for the presentation to the faithful readers of this website. I thought it would add to the experience.
  • Unfortunately, I had envisioned this masterpiece of a biography that is on the best-seller list in book stores. However, I was hindered by the fact that I had to present it like an actual research paper and the juicy parts sometimes get bogged down with the finer details about how the research processes were conducted. I personally find it boring, but perhaps some people will enjoy it.
  • I may or may not have lost the title of what Philipp studied in school by the time he left for Germany for holidays so I put bio-chemistry. This may be wrong.

You may find the biography here.

iplaying: Dry County – Bon Jovi (Keep the Faith) – of special note – this is the song which I used for greatest guitar solo in the iPod challenge. However, Mike had already won with Crazy Train. But I thought this was wild also.