
Sens Vs. Canadiens

Saturday brought Vero’s Christmas gift to life – a hockey game! Saturday was Hockey Day in Canada, so what better way to celebrate than to head on out to the ScotiaBank Place?

Well, that must have been the thought of every other soul in the area as traffic sucked heading in there. We got there in time to see the puck drop, so that’s what counts.

In the ‘no-knowledge’ zone of Palmer, I had picked up some tickets that were in Row S. “Great!” I thought. “At least it’s closer than those poor souls who have to stand up in the top of the bowl (aka, the 900 Level). Little did I know that the rows don’t go from A-Z in my section, they went from A-S! So we were sitting in front of the guys standing up. Not a big deal. Armed with a beer and some peanuts, life was good. Vero pointed out the fact that salted peanuts in the shell aren’t actually salted inside, it’s the shell that’s salted! You know…it makes total sense, but I had never thought about it before.

We had picked up some Habs jerseys from Benoit (thanks buddy!) and were prepared for the onslaught of torture we would receive inside the Sens Home. However, I must say that a good portion of the crowd are Canadiens fans and we didn’t have a problem. In fact, our entire row were Habs fans so whenever someone started a cheer of ‘Go Sens Go’, we dwarfed them with our vocal might yelling “GO HABS GO!”

Unfortunately for us, the Sens TROUNCED the HABS in an 8-3 score. I don’t really follow hockey anyhow so I just like going to the game and hanging out with my girl, my beer, and my peanuts. Annie, Eric and Mike were appalled that we were there cheering on the Canadiens. I summed their feelings up by asking the following: “Well guys, if we all picked up and moved to Toronto who would you cheer for? Not the Leafs? That’s what I thought.”

We laughed at the little guys (aka the Timbits) on the ice during the intermission and had high hopes to win the 50/50 draw (so I can buy a MacBook!) but it was not in our cards that night. Plus, the Zambonis are always a treat.

A good game nonetheless, and I felt a moment of national pride taking part in something that all of Canada was taking part of on Saturday – Hockey Day in Canada.

iplaying: Looking Out – Mobile (Tomorrow Starts Today)

8 replies on “Sens Vs. Canadiens”

lol, did the jump from the leaf’s bandwagon hurt when you landed on the Hab’s bandwagon? It must have stung a little when you saw the power of the Sens in action?

Go Sens Go!

Sounds like a great time…too bad the Habs didn’t win. I’m still hoping to make a trip sometime to see a Habs game in Montreal.

For sure seing the Habs in Montreal is something that would be worth seing! (if they win, of course…he eh)

Let’s be honest here ladies. We all know I’m not one for hockey to begin with, so I don’t think there’s really a bandwagon I’m actually on!

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