
Price Protectr

If you are a smart shopper (not like me), you keep an eye out AFTER you make a purchase to see if anywhere has reduced the price. A lot of stores have a policy that you have so many days to go back to the store and say “Hey! That other store just put their item down by $50!” and they will refund you $50.

Maren pointed this out to me the other day and I think this little tool will help her out immensely. It is called Price Protectr. You just plug in the item you ordered (by finding it on their online catalog) and they will let you know within ‘x’ amount of days if another competitor has reduced the price.

Coolness! Obviously, it can’t cover all merchants websites, but I’m sure it has a few you shop at.

May I just point out that I find it amusing that everyone with a cool idea wants to get on the Flickr bandwagon and leave a letter out of their name at the end and even take the same colourscheme as Flickr? Granted, maybe this tool is MADE by Flickr and I don’t even know about it!

iplaying: Why Bother – The Trews (House of Ill Fame)

2 replies on “Price Protectr”

it’s true! I have saved $60 at Club Monaco and $30 at Future Shop within the past month based on their policies. No questions asked.

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