
Behind The Scenes on Friends

Last night I arrived home to realize that a grand event had transpired. The entire series of Friends which I was downloading for three months was finally done. I couldn’t believe it. I don’t think it would have taken 3 months if everything worked out fine, but the computer crashed once in awhile in the meantime which deleted the downloaded copies, yada yada yada, it’s all done.

So last night I watched a few episodes but then I stumbled upon a Special Feater about the making of an episode. This was the gem of the set so far.

It takes a look at every step of the process to making a TV show – writing, set building, rehearsals, live audience (did you know to film 22 minutes of a TV show usually takes about 5 hours on a GOOD day? So if you’re going to see a taping of Friends, it’s quite a long time to be sitting in the audience!), editing, music choreography. Craziness! I found the documentary to be entertaining and has left me with more appreciation of the craft of television making. It is too bad that Samantha is back home already as we were talking about how much we enjoy Friends and I’m sure she would have liked to see that special.

3 replies on “Behind The Scenes on Friends”

awwww thanks for the shout out in your blog. I would have liked to see that special but I was freezing my butt off in the great white north instead…

Maybe next time 🙂

Uh…if you meant the Friends episodes and not the Cheers episodes (although that is an excellent show!) I went to, found the file called ‘Friends-JOG’ and downloaded it. Voila!

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