
Last Weekend

Earlier this week Carrie emails me wondering where the heck any mention of our killer weekend was on my blog. Well, without pictures, it’s just not as much fun! I had to wait until I had a spare moment (which is Sunday night with some Pumpkins and me) to write up about the great time.

Philipp and Carrie came over to spend the weekend which was welcome as I had not seen either of them for awhile. They had just returned from Germany in good spirits.

Friday night proceeded with clearing out the extra stock of beer that we had from the Christmas party, and playing the Us Vs. Them board game which I got for Christmas. It is turning out to be an amazing game.

Let’s hope that the following words never make it to this blogosphere ever again – Carolyn, Vero, Carrie, Samantha and Annie beat the men this night. That’s all I will say on the subject.

After the game, Philipp and I proceeded to watch a Bond flick but he was snoring by the time the opening sequence was over. Shutting it off and kicking him up the stairs, I crawled into bed but soon was laughing as Philipp was knocking on the door saying “Carrie, are you there?”. I guess Philipp didn’t really know where the room he was staying in was located in the dark! Ha ha. After bringing him to bed, I hopped into my bed with the nice new flannel sheets Maren helped pick out at Sears and all was good in the world as I was toasty warm. Why is it that the highlight of my Friday night was crawling into the warm bed? Who knows?

Saturday had us watching old videos and Philipp and I trying to finish watching the Bond film. We ended up watching it in spurts so I felt the movie didn’t really move me as much as a regular Bond film might.

Carrie cooked up an amazing roast and it was a tasty treat. I don’t think a roast has ever been made in our oven so I can consider this place home now (as opposed to the baking of bread).

We then headed out to the greatest spot on Earth – the Heart and Crown as we wanted to show Sam a good time as it was her last weekend in town. Good times were had although I wished the band rocked a little more. They were more East Coast style rather than ‘Rock out’ style. Nothing too exciting happened that night and it was a cold night at that.

Sunday we rolled out of bed and I had to go into work for a bit which was fine. We’re working on an online application system for a program we run. I’ve been involved with the project for the past year so I’m glad to see it come to an end soon. Actually, that’s where I was all this weekend also as I had to work the entire time. Not a big deal. Overtime is nice considering the Pumpkins tour ’07 is starting up. 😉

Let me point out that we wanted to recreate our third day in Munich with the above picture as Philipp and I managed to drink down 6 steins in Munich on a lazy Sunday.

iplaying: Zero – The Smashing Pumpkins (Reading Festival 1995)

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