
Memory: Old Sierra Games

Bonus! I just won a few EBay items (and hopefully one more coming this morning) in the form of some old King’s Quest games.

My love for the King’s Quest series (as well as the other Sierra games) knows no bounds. When I was younger, I never owned any of the actual games, just the copies (*gasp*).

I have a found memory of going to the Dixie Mall with the family one summer and stumbling across Police Quest 2. I think I still have the original receipt with it! I wonder how much I paid for it…

I remember countless hours of Marc and I trying to beat Police Quest. One of us would move the guy around with the joystick and the other would type. That was heavy teamwork back in the day.

I just stumbled upon an application called DosBox which emulates the Dos environment. I then installed some old games like Quest for Glory and Leisure Suit Larry and am having the time of my life playing them so far. Some people may think it’s odd that I get a kick out of these old school games, but I love them. It brings back my childhood. When I say countless hours were spent on them, I really do mean countless hours. I remember one summer when we had the Tandy 1000, every morning I would get up and beat King’s Quest because it was such a fast game to beat once you knew how to do everything. I think I timed it so I could go eat lunch after I completed it. I also remember doing the same with Ninja Gaiden II. MAN, I could beat that game with my eyes closed. I tried playing it last year and I was pretty well awful in the game playing department. However, I know that the skill is within me somewhere.

Anyhow, I’ve been looking into the old Sierra games and what they go for on EBay for awhile now and picked these two up for a steal. Heck, one of them even runs off of 5 1/4″ discs! I wouldn’t even be able to play them if I wanted to! In reality, if I ever want to play them, I’ll just download them off the Internet, but I am glad to have a piece of history coming my way. Perhaps I’ll build a shelf for the games…