
My View is Important

Benoit writes:

“this seems like a Palmer blog item.. would be curious to hear your
point of view on this…”

This is a simple one. I definitely agree that it is lame to have a separate folder indicating what songs you actually purchased from iTunes. Now, if there was some reason for this…let’s say iTunes would come around every few years and cut you a backup CD of all your purchased songs…beauty!

Actually, let’s talk about backing up your tunes. I can see the Purchased folder as being useful for this activity if the only other music you have on your iTunes are from CDs. This will make it easier for you to say “Self, I need to back up the songs I don’t already have on CD. Hey! There they all are in one convenient folder. Bonus.”

So there you have it. I don’t mind the folder, but one would think that they could just remove it, and allow you to make a smart playlist to scan for PURCHASED songs and then burn those if you wanted to back them up.

Onto the whole DRM comment by Steve Jobs in the next entry…

One reply on “My View is Important”

The part that got me was the one about the RIAA not really knowing what is on my shelf next to my computer. For all they know, I may already own the totality of my songs on iTunes. Too true.

Now if i go and share those files for piracy, that’s another story…


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