On Sunday amongst our adventures, we ended up at a Fitness Equipment clearance sale where I wanted to see if I could find a sit-up bench…you know, the ones that inclines?
I saw one on sale from 89.99 to 69.99. I thought that this is a little steep considering it is just a board on an incline. Heck, I could probably fashion one myself!
However, when we hit up Wal-Mart for frames, Mike found the EXACT SAME MODEL for $40! I couldn’t believe my luck!
I also couldn’t believe the incredible markup in the Fitness Equipment store of the same exact item. Is this what businesses do? Just go down to Wal-Mart and buy some wares and sell it to us for a higher price?
If anything, I would have thought the Fitness Equipment store would have had better merchandise compared to Wal-Mart.
Anyhow, I am the proud new owner of a sit-up bench. Vero and I assembled it last night and if what we went through is any indication of how life will be when we are old and gray assembling items, I think I’ll have to let her assemble them herself.
3 replies on “Val-Mart Score”
Good on you….it’s great to save money. I have a hard time dragging my ass into Walmart. Maybe it’s the crowds, but I get very annoyed when I am there.
I agree with musicman, the crowds at walmart suck, but their prices don’t suck at all.
EVERYTHING is cheaper at walmart
It’s very interesting that you have purchased a tilted board that Vero and yourself setup together. I wonder if sit ups are really what you had in mind.