
Review: Neon Bible – Arcade Fire

Let’s backtrack. The Arcade Fire’s Funeral album is amazing.

Let’s get back to the present. Neon Bible is the Arcade Fire’s second full-length release and the world is anticipating what they have to offer. The Arcade Fire has shot to super-stardom and we’re proud to say they are from Montreal.

I have given the album a few quick listens and am impressed with the album, but must admit that it doesn’t have nearly as many tracks that are dedicated to the frantic change in tempo of songs that Funeral had. This was one of the things I fell in love with. Am I disappointed? Heck no. I’ve only given it a few listens and am not denouncing it. I think a few more close listens will let me know if this album is worthy of the Arcade Fire monicker. Does that sentence even make sense? They made the album, it’s their music, so I suppose it IS worthy!

I enjoy the direction they took with recording some old church organs and going to Budapest for cheap labour orchestras and choirs. I’ll have to remember that when I want some on my album. Budapest – the cheap route for good music.

Of more interest is the production stories surrounding an album, like how Neon Bible was recorded out of a church that the Arcade Fire purchased and made their home for a year. They constructed bedrooms, had a cook and lived in Nowheresville, Quebec for a year to record the album. Everything (except for one track) was recorded on old-school analog tapes. A rare feat in these times where digital is the way to go.

All in all, it’s a decent album so far and I am excited to see them live in Montreal with Mike.

I’ve also realized that it’s kind of silly to write a review of an album before really getting a good listen to it. 😉

4 replies on “Review: Neon Bible – Arcade Fire”

I read somewhere that Arcade Fire was approached personally by Paul Haggis to use one of their songs on his new show Black Donnelly’s and they turned him down cold.

I enjoy their other music, I’ll take a look at this when it’s released.

BTW – when is it released?

Wha??? I would assume that if I have listened to it, it has been released.

Anyhow, it came out yesterday.

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