
Top 3

Friday night brought some fun with friends as Philipp came into town with Sven and two new faces – Morat and Karine (sp?) from Germany and Brazil respectively. The night started off great with me heading home, having a good meal, watching some James Bond and then heading out to Vero’s place to drop off an air mattress and visit her family as they were in town for the weekend.

After a quick chat, I picked up Trish and we headed over to Carrie’s place for a few brewskis. I knew we were in for a good night considering the moment I stepped in the door, Philipp requested that I tell my famous “I can’t speak German” story which took place on the beaches of Hamburg in which I proclaimed “I can’t speak German.” to a fellow at the bar. Anyhow, if you don’t know the story, remind me to tell you in person. It’s much more animated.

I met Morat and Karine who were lovely people and after gabbing for a bit and checking out the status of Alex and Holly’s game of Settlers of Cataan, we headed out to the legendary Heart and Crown. After waiting a good 20 minutes in line, we entered a semi-packed bar – always a laugh when the bars have a lineup for a half-packed place. Guys, you are the Heart and Crown. You don’t have to try and look popular, you ARE popular!

Unfortunately, the band in the back were not the rocking style which we were hoping for and the crowd wasn’t really hopping. We then decided to head out to the front part; even though it’s smaller, there was a better band and we managed to get a table.

Highlights from this portion of the night:
– Sven trying to pick up the coat check girl. He even gives her a tip since she is complaining its cold downstairs.
– A random guy talking about spilling his beer and I mention he’s drinking a KilKenny which then prompted him to say “I cannot complain about my spilled beer when I am in the presence of a beer guru.”

At one point, Karine said she wanted to dance so I say we should go up to the front. She doesn’t follow along so I stand there admiring the band for a bit and then I notice a few girls dancing right next to me. Then one of them hip-checks me and I glance over and think “Hmm…alright, she wants me to dance.” So I keep my eyes forward towards the band and just start dancing and all that is going through my mind is “Well, how do I tell this girl that I have a girlfriend and if she’s interested in me (well, let’s be honest here, I am a Palmer) that it’s no dice for her.” So I’m contemplating how to approach this and I finally turn to her to tell her about Vero and then lo and behold, it was Karine all that time! Ha ha, we had a good laugh. Afterwards I told her what I was thinking and she laughed as she thought I just really didn’t want to dance as I wasn’t even looking at her! Ah, good times.

All in all, it wasn’t the most amazing time I’ve had at the Heart and Crown, but the bar is what you make of it with friends so we all had a good time. I must admit I found something ‘off’ about the beer, did anyone else? It wasn’t sitting well in the stomach.

After the Heart and Crown, Morat, Carrie and Karine hop into a cab as they do not want to go to the Schwarma Nazi for a bite to eat. Sven, Philipp and I are standing there waiting for a taxi when I say the legendary words of the night “”Do you guys want some food or do you guys want some fun”?”

This brought us in the taxi and on our way into Gatineau where the clubs are open for an extra hour of fun. This increased our party level to the nth degree as any spontaneous activity usually does!

Highlights from this portion of the night:
– Sven trying to pick up the coat check girl. He says “Bon soir” to her at the end of the night thinking that will seal the deal. Yes Sven, saying “Good Night” to anyone entices them to say “Hey, wait a second, here’s my phone number!”
– Myself proclaiming “We’re going to the best club in Ottawa!” where Sven and Philipp burst into laughter considering we were in a taxi heading towards Gatineau.
– Some girl sitting next to us who had this incredulous look on her face anytime Sven and Philipp started speaking German to each other.
– The same girl doing some crazy antics near the end of the night.

After we were done in Gatineau, we headed outside where a cop car was waiting in which someone proclaimed “Palmer, that’s not the cab!”. Good thing I didn’t hop into that car!

We then headed to our favourite schwarma house in town – Marroush, Home of the Schwarma Nazi (much like the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld). I could write a book on the adventures we have had at Marroush, but will save them for another time.

So we stroll into Marroush around 3:30 in the morning and there aren’t that many people there (understandably) but there is the Schwarma Nazi dancing around the place like a madman and schmoozing with the ladies in the establishment. He was definitely high on something and we just decided to head to the counter and order our meal. Then the Schwarma Nazi has a moment of clarity, looks at me and says “I recognize you.”

Now, I can honestly say that I’ve been to Marroush quite a few times, but I wouldn’t say it’s enough to be recognized. I would say I’ve only been there three times in the past year. So this was a surprise and all of us were impressed.

But then he mentions he has a picture of me. Lo and behold, he pulls out a stack of photographs of various patrons of his establishment over the years (including some risqué female shots…I’m telling you, this man is a dirty old man) and in the middle of the stack is a photo of myself, Larisa and Alex from 5 years ago when we went to the Schwarma Nazi after a Hallowe’een party!

Well we laughed! We couldn’t believe that out of nowhere, he pulls out a photo from 5 years ago! It was incredible!

In all honesty, I knew what he was going to pull out but didn’t tell the guys at the time so it could create a great moment. It turns out that 5 years ago, Alex and I went into Marroush about a month after the Hallowe’en party and the same exact thing happened and he gave us the picture. So this time around, it was the double of the same picture. I was still surprised that he had a copy of the picture however. I think I am going to return the one he gave us on Saturday morning so he has a permanent record of me being there.

As we ate our schwarma outside, there was this guy who was very stoned who comes up to us and says:

“Hey guys, do you have a cigarette?”
“No, sorry. We don’t smoke.”
“Well, how about 2 bucks?” – Where we are thinking that this guy is crazy.
Philipp says “Well, no we don’t have 2 bucks but I’ll give you a bite of my schwarma!”
“Wow, really? Thanks, this is great! (chomp, chomp). Alright, well I have to get going and find my identical twin brother.”
Three minutes later he turns around and heads towards us.
“Hey guys, do you have a cigarette?”
“No, sorry.”
“2 Bucks?”
Then we start laughing as this MUST be his identical twin brother! We ignore him and he trails off into the night.

Then we arrive home and head to the basement so we don’t wake up anyone and have a nightcap.

At the end of the night Philipp proclaims “Top 3, this night is definitely in the Top 3.”

I couldn’t agree more.

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