
This morning I was driving to work listening to The Bear’s Brain Buster challenge (a trivia challenge by the local radio station). Now, some questions are hard, but some are super easy.

The Bear: “How many syllables in the word ‘basketball’?
The Bear: “Uhh…Debby? Are you still there?”
Debby: “Yes…uh….seven?”
The Bear: “Wrong.”

Ok, so here I am thinking that radio stations should have automatic ejection questions where if you get a certain question (like the one above) wrong, then you automatically lose. Or, at the very least, become the next contestant on ‘Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader?”

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I was woken to a loud crash one morning and jumped out of bed to see what the noise was from. My youngest brother was on the phone in the kitchen with a bunch of pots and pans around him. Then he starts to tell us that he is on the radio so we turn the radio on and I hear the radio personality tell my brother to gobble like a Turkey. To which he replies with “Bock, Bock, bock”! Yes, I will never let him live that one down!

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