
Sam Roberts Band Tonight

If there is one good thing that this blog has brought to my life, it’s the fact that Kevin left a comment on the site that informed me that there was a free Sam Roberts Band concert in Ottawa tonight! Yeeeha!

So that’s where I’ll be heading tonight after my class. Too bad my class runs until at least 9PM. I’ll probably miss some of the show…but I can’t complain too much. Haven’t seen these guys since Bluesfest last year, and it’s FREE! They are also playing with Buck 65 and The Dears – both bands that I know about, but am not too familiar with their music.

I have a few extra tickets if anyone wants them but beware – supposedly they are checking for University of Ottawa/Carleton U IDs at the door (as it is for the university students). Otherwise the tix are $20 each. I wonder how much they would care to check IDs at a free concert anyhow?