

Uh oh.

I like the first Avril album. I actually like the second one better. It was a solid album.

Eric shares my opinion but he had his doubts when he showed me the new single from the album.

Hmm…seems like the new single is tres pop-like and geared towards little girls.

Alright, hold off on picking up the album. No, wait! $9.99 on release day? Hmm…well, I did like her last album and I usually give artists a chance if their last album was decent. Let it be noted that the first to fall from this way of thinking were The Cranberries where their Bury The Hatchet was so horrific that I never picked up their next album. It wasn’t until I was at a garage sale when I picked it up for $5 on a whim and realized it was actually a better album.

Anyhow, for $10, I wasn’t going to pass it up.

But what’s this? The first track is *censored*?! Argh, what have I wasted my money on? This is a teeny girl album to the up most caliber if they have to CENSOR some bad words. Sigh…ah well, you live, you learn. Thank the Lord for the Internet where I can just download the uncensored version.

I’m sure you’ll hear me complain of how bad the album is when I actually get around to listening to it. Hopefully I am wrong and it is some decent work. But Nine Inch Nails is calling my name with their new release today of Year Zero.

iplaying: The Good Soldier – Nine Inch Nails (Year Zero)