
Beauty of a Weekend

I don’t know where you all were this weekend, but I was in paradise. That’s right, Ottawa had the most beautiful weather. Saturday had a little chill in the air but Sunday was that weather which you dream of devising an evil contraption that will harness the controls of the weather so you can this one perfect day all year long except for Christmas because we all love snow on Christmas Day because we all know that’s what Jesus had in Bethlehem. Snow. Let’s take a look on the map for a second. Hmm…Bethlehem…wow. Nowhere near the North at all. Hey, where did the snow come into the picture then?

Saturday morning I arose from my slumber as I drove Vero to her class. This is her final class FOREVER. It’s only three full weekends. While that sucks, let’s keep in mind that instead of going to 16 weeks of class, you only have to go to six days of class. She’ll be done in a few weeks.

Feeling a bit rough, I get home and decide I should not head back to bed. I watch some shows that I haven’t’ seen in awhile and when Mike and Danny get home (from dropping Carol off in Cornwall) we cook up some lunch and head downtown to grab some LPs. Mike and Danny scored on that front but I didn’t see any albums I was interested in picking up. I’m trying to find Paul McCartney & Wings album ‘Band on The Run’. I’m starting to pick up classic albums that should be in all collections.

We then headed to Le Baron for a GPS battery and then Danny finds my voice recorder that I’ve lost since Christmas! I am ecstatic! It was lodged under the seat! Vero is not going to kill me anymore (as she had bought it for me). After doing a happy dance, we headed home, took a much deserved nap, headed to Montana’s for some ribs and wings and then finished off the night by watching the Senators win big and then popped in our favourite film – Dazed and Confused.

After Danny left on Sunday morning, Mike and I hit our productive stride. I gave the inside and outside of my car a much needed cleaning. I even shampooed the carpets inside. It was more to get rid of the salt which it had a hard time with. Does anyone have the much needed solution to getting road salt out of a carpet? I thought a shampoo would do the car good as there was this awful smell in the car in the past year and we couldn’t figure out what it is. I assumed someone through a tuna pita under the seat but I didn’t see any.

We then took a crack at cleaning the garage which is always…fun? Mike has come up with some good ideas for the garage so one of these days we will tackle putting some shelving inside. In the end, the garage really only took us a good hour of clean-up. We made a trip to the beer store with our bottles; including wine bottles now that they take them back. I had grand aspirations for making my own wine again so I was holding onto the bottles. But after 2 years I realize they were just taking up space.

We then headed over to Eric and Annie’s to borrow his grass seeder as there is a strip of dead grass along my driveway which is ugly. I haven’t seeded/fertilized before so I figured I should start one day. Turns out that I had enough for the back lawn also so I mowed both lawns and spread the seed. We’ll see if it sprouts anything.

Considering Vero has some ham and water in her fridge we brought her some St-Hubert last night and enjoyed her balcony view (her new apartment is awesome!) and then headed to see Spider-Man 3 but it was 7:55 with a movie starting at 8PM. We had to get a refund on our tix as there just wasn’t anymore seating.

I think it’s a shame that today is a beautiful day and we are stuck inside work all day. Perhaps I should join construction?

2 replies on “Beauty of a Weekend”


I don’t know if you read the comments on blogs that are now a couple of days old, but a good solution for the salt in the carpet is just plain old water.

Use water to disolve the salt, and then wipe it down as much as possible with a cloth before the salted water dries off again.

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