
Review: Stompin’ Tom and the Connors Tone

note: it’s actually pretty hard to find a full shot of the novel.

A few weeks ago I finished the second Stompin’ Tom autobiography entitled Stompin’ Tom and the Connors Tone.

It was a decent read…seemed longer than the first one. I enjoyed how it really got into the aspects of his tours and when he started to get famous. He seems to harp on his views of how the music industry in Canada is for the birds and is in need of serious revamp. I totally agree and I found his points interesting. I was speaking to Dad about this novel and he enjoyed the first one better as he didn’t really care much for the music industry talk; which takes up a LOT of the book. It seems like every second chapter he comes up with another way of stating his views on the music industry.

I found it interesting to hear that he left the music business altogether during the 80s because of his distaste with the industry. Imagine! Then his comeback tour in the 90s occurred and as far as I know he has been touring around now and then.

I can’t say that I know much of his music but I will pick up an album one of these days and if I ever have the chance to see him live, I will jump on it. I admire what he has done for Canada (heck, he even received the Order of Canada for his work!).

I enjoy his writing style and it feels like he is talking to you in conversation rather than stating facts about his life at a certain point in time. His novel inspired me to want to get out on the open road and just drive. I remember this occurred right before Easter and the Spring was in the air and I told Mike that we were heading home for the weekend because I just wanted to get on the road again. However, when the Blizzard of 2007 hit up North I thought that my open road would not be as exciting. So now I am anxious to head out on the open road again and perhaps travel around Canada a little more than I have done in the past. Usually it’s more of a ‘let’s just get home as fast as we can!!!’ trip.

Two thumbs up for the autobiography. If you’re interested in Stompin’ Tom, or Canadiana, pick it up today!

iplaying: The Lost Brigade – Ted Leo & The Pharmacists (Living With The Living)