
The Craving

I’m starting to get the craving which occurs when a new Pumpkins album is upon us. I start to pull out the old bootlegs and start listening to every nuance. I yank out old B-sides and just hit the RANDOM button. I scour the Internet for any little piece of information.

The time is close…May 22 will be their first tour date in Paris. I predict a bootleg of the show the next day. I’m also predicting a ‘greatest hits’ heavy set list with a few new tracks from their upcoming album Zeitgeist. It only makes sense – the band has been away for seven years…think about Metallica when they came back for their St. Anger tour. 90% of the show was old stuff. However, those were festival dates – which the Pumpkins are doing all summer long.

I think playing your hits at a Festival when you’re on your reunion tour is the way to win over the people who pay big money to see you. If you just went out and played all-new material, there would be disappointment from the masses who don’t know much about you. However, if you’re a fanatic like myself, no worries. We crave new material.