
For Maren

Maren wishes that I write a new blog entry so she can live vicariously through me so I guess I’ll have to post about…new things?

Let’s talk about Maren for a moment. Right now, she is probably in the midst of insane wedding preparations. As someone pointed out the other day, the first 25 invitations are fun to do, the rest of them are a chore. 😉 Hence, my belief in using to send out wedding invitations! Anyhow, Maren is working in another office since December and from what I’ve heard she is doing well although working downtown probably doesn’t help her wallet that much. I know I would be upping my spending if I worked downtown!

Nothing has been going on in my life that is of importance. Although, the Pumpkins community has hit overdrive as they played their first concert in seven years yesterday in Paris. I was here for the action around 2:30 in the afternoon. All Pumpkins message boards crumbled under the weight of people refreshing their screens to see any more information on the set list. Our only outlet was a single blog set up to give us pictures uploaded from someone’s cellphone. It was amazing. It was so…raw. I can’t really explain how I felt to hear that the Pumpkins were actually back on stage. I am awaiting the bootleg of the show – soon.

Yesterday I went with Vero to pick up a used desk. I personally think it’s a sweet desk, and they threw the office chair in for free (with just reason. It’s a craptacular chair). We found it on If you have never gone on this site, check it out! Its better than the Glebe Garage Sale.

Speaking about the Glebe Garage Sale, its on this Saturday which is very unfortunate for Vero and I as we will be in Toronto to catch the Evil Dead Musical. 🙁 Very disappointed as the Garage Sale is somewhat of a memory for us as this was where our first date took place. That’s right, Palmer knows how to treat a lady right. If any of my faithful readers haven’t been to the Glebe Garage Sale before, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! Overall, I can’t say I’ve ever found anything amazing at the garage sale, but if you go for one item in your mind, chances are you will find it there. Case in point, I found a weedwacker last year for $2. Beauty.

I am sporting a white dress shirt today (purchase for the Prom I went to a few weeks ago) and it’s the first time I’ve sported the white shirt at work. The question that arises when wearing the white dress shirt is this:

Should you wear an undershirt?

At first, I thought no because maybe my hairy chest would be visible and that ain’t cool. So I scavenged through my drawer to discover an old white t-shirt. I threw that on but noticed the collar was falling apart. With that idea in hand, I figured I should go without it. But as soon as I put the shirt on without an undershirt, I heard the cries of fashionable women everywhere (Maren and Krista, I bow to you) saying that this is a no-no.

How to get out of this quandary? Well, that’s what I have a roommate for. With any luck, there will be a fresh undershirt waiting for me in the dryer. Sure enough, the planets were aligned and Mike had a few undershirts waiting there. By the way Mike, I have one of your undershirts.

The story of undershirts brings up this interesting part of The Rebel Sell which spoke about years ago when men wore the same shirt for numerous days but wore a new undershirt every day. It makes sense, but nowadays there is a stigma attached to doing so. Why is this? Well the clothing industry jumped on the bandwagon of different colour shirts and changed the way shirts were worn and it wasn’t COOL to wear the same shirt twice in a work week, so they ended up making more cash in the long run by selling more shirts! Very shrewd. Interesting how a clothing change can influence the way a society thinks (“Ew, you’re wearing the same shirt TWICE?!”)

So another question about undershirts is this – clearly I have not worn an undershirt with my other dress shirts, but should I? What is the etiquette on the undershirt? Clearly it is needed for the white dress shirt…but what about the others?

3 replies on “For Maren”

First of all, let me thank you Palmer for granting me my wish. However, it would appear that I am the big loser in this situation. Your blog page wouldn’t refresh every time I visited the site, so I kept getting your Spiderman 3 post. Needless to say, I felt like a tool when I finally hit refresh and saw a half-dozen new articles. YOu must have thought that I was a pretty demanding (non-paying) customer!

On to the fashion problem – I am not a fan of visible undershirts (or short sleeve shirts for that matter) worn under dress shirts. I guess it reminds me of my papa (who probably wore the same shirt/different undershirts back in the day). My solution is to buy dress shirts that are made of material that is thick (opaque?) enough to do away with the undershirt question once and for all. But wait – here’s another idea: when women wear white shirts they will wear a nude-coloured bra. Why don’t you purchase nude-coloured undershirts? The ultimate solution!

as i see it just wear the undershirt … problem solved no need to decide what color of dress shirt….tell us Vero does not look good in a white undershirt….

oh you meant you ….. duh. my bad…. 😛

no word about your mom and nanny yet!!!!

my vote is WITH an undershirt… it just looks better and everything falls nicer.

Plus it bothers me when dress shirts are buttoned all the way to the top with no tie. My advise to you is pick up a few plain but colored undershirt and mix it up… have a baby blue or lime green undershirt poking out under the navy blue dress shirt… very snazzy… and much MUCH better than the little fluff of chest hair *shudders*

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