
Fascination with Marketing

Pretty well every reader of this site knows that the Smashing Pumpkins are releasing their new album Zeitgeist in about a month’s time.

Details are arising (not officially, but through the beloved Net) about exclusive bonus tracks on the album depending on where you purchase it.

A different bonus track from Best Buy.
A different bonus track from Target.
A different bonus track from Amazon.
A different bonus track from Your Mom.
A different bonus track from iTunes.

This stems from decreasing CD sales (woe is the record label distributor who cannot make some more money from the masses), therefore marketing gurus have said “Well, if we can’t capitalize on unsuspecting victims, let’s go for the hardcore fans!”

Tsk tsk. This is an interesting concept. Let’s be honest, there are fans out there that will buy every version of the album like the fools they are.

Myself, I’ll do the responsible thing. Buy the album, most likely a special edition version, heck, while I’m at it, pick it up on vinyl because I like that kind of thing…then I’ll download the bonus tracks. Something tells me that the band doesn’t mind this ONE BIT.

So…back to the marketers…what are they thinking? I mean…don’t you think that this would actually start to piss off the hardcore fans out there? Way to kill your fanbase potentially.

This interesting thought process was brought to you by me, for you.

iplaying: Broken – Lifehouse (Who We Are) <- which is turning out to be probably their best album since No Name Face upon my first listen...

4 replies on “Fascination with Marketing”

If you want extra tracks import the Japanese version.

In Japan the imports are cheaper than the non imports, so to offset the difference they release extra tracks on the Japanese versions.

True fact.

However, the Japanese imports are quite expensive upon first look (unless you scope out a good deal which aren’t too hard to find).

Actually, I had never heard that the imports were cheaper in Japan – I had heard that they are not allowed to release singles in Japan, only albums, hence the reason for slapping some extra tracks onto the Japanese versions. But the cheaper imports sounds like a valid reason also (although it bewilders me that an import would cost less? Very strange.)

This is why I love listening to the ongoing history of new music.
Little tidbits like this.

Here is the episode that I think… (not sure) told me about the Japanese albums.

Building a Record Collection Part 1

Building a Record Collection Part 2

I had to build these links after looking through cryptic html and javascript, so enjoy them. 😉

Here is another one I think you might like, while I have the process for creating these links down pat.

A Live History Of The Smashing Pumpkins
(original broadcast date 15.12.02)

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