
Ribs + Sand

Mike let me know that the Chicken and Rib Festival launched yesterday on Sparks Street so we went along with Carrie to check it out.

It’s really hard to choose which vendor you’ll buy from. They need to implement a taster program where you can get a few ribs before spending $20 on a full rack. Speaking of full rack, they kept hollering it out whenever you ordered one and at one point Carrie thought they were yelling about her. 😉

Carrie and I split a full rack along with some beans and coleslaw which were superb. Actually, I never realized but splitting the full rack with someone is by far the best deal they have going on there. Perhaps I shall return to the Fest later on in the week to check out the pull-pork sandwiches. It looked divine.

Mike and I then headed out to the beach to set up the volleyball net for the first night of Orleans Vball. Essentially, anyone is welcome to come. I forgot how beautiful the beach is. I love the fact that it is right on the river and there is vast open spaces of water, sand, and trees. Beautiful! We had a good turnout and the guys didn’t do too badly at all, although I know that I have to get my volleyball moves up to snuff. Mike and Rob seemed to be handling it nicely whereas I was treading water.

Iplaying: Time is Running Out – Muse (Absolution) – Speaking about Muse, I don’t know why I suddenly had this urge to check out this band, but I downloaded a few albums to check out what they are all about. So far, I’m four songs into the album and it is amazing stuff. I think I shall enjoy Muse.

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