

Do yourselves a favour, don’t go out of your way for some cheaper gas.

This morning I drove by the gas station and it was PACKED! 6:45 in the morning and it’s packed?! What’s going on here?

The answer dawned on me when I saw the sign – 98.2 cents a litre.

Not bad, not bad at all.

But then I thought about the people taking time out of their morning commute to WAIT in a lineup. Why not just go when there is no one there?

I will admit that in the past, I would have been there with them. But now I think about what society has thrown in to my brain in terms of consuming.

So, some stats.

Let’s imagine you have a 40 litre gas tank inside your car.

Let’s also say that the day before, gas was at 105 cents per litre, but now it’s at a super low price of 98 cents per litre.

Filling up the 40 litre tank = 40*105 = $42
Filling up the 40 litre tank with the cheaper gas = 40*98 = $39.20

Difference = $2.80

Of course, this difference would be greatly different if you had a larger gas tank:

75 litre = 75*105 = 78.75
Or = 75*98 = 73.50

Difference = $5.25

This is ALSO assuming that the Gods are with you and your tank is pretty well near empty when you roll into the station at the cheaper price.

Case in point – I’m not trying to tell you what you should or should not do. Just inform yourselves. Personally, my time (and getting my parking spot at the park and ride) is worth more than the $2.80 that I would be saving by waiting in line for 15 minutes.

iplaying: Lodi – CCR (Chronicle Vol 1)

2 replies on “Mmm…Gasoline”

yup a few dollars will not break me either. I follow the crude oil prices, if they are going up the pumps will go up soon if they fall the pump prices will follow later!

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