
Those Random Nights

What do I love? I love the random events that spiral into a night of fun. Let’s get to that in a moment…

Friday was my last day at work before I switched. I have been with this group for the past six years and they’ve essentially grown into a form of family for me. It’s strange to think of work as a source of family, but it is! Unless you don’t care for the people you work with that is. 😉

Considering I had already packed up my office and finished 99% of the outstanding work, Friday was a relaxed affair. We ended up heading down to Milestones for lunch around 11PM. Everyone was excited to see what the Ultimate Bellini was all about as Krista, Maren and I have been raving about them. After a few of those and a great shanghai noodle dish (highly recommended!), we headed back to work and the day passed by. Considering I’m only moving a few floors away from them, I don’t personally feel like it’s a goodbye as I’ll see them from time to time.

Krista, Mike, Vero and Sara decided to meet up at the Royal Oak for a few beers to celebrate my escape. Although I had a mean cold for the past few days, I couldn’t pass this event up and it spiraled in a good afternoon of beers and nachos. We tried to play cards but a) Mike thought it was lame b)When we did pull them out, the wind whipped them clear across the patio. Not the best day to play! There was also a Human Society fund raiser going on so we threw them a few dollars and managed to get a few samplers in the process.

It’s good to go out with Sara as much as we can as she is heading back to live in Newfoundland! It is sad to see a friend leave, but at the same time, great to think of the opportunity to return home to family and friends! If I could get a good paying job back home, I would seriously consider it. However, the lack of concerts may irritate me. 😉

We split off from the pack and headed home. While on the bus, some younger girls were chatting away, oblivious to all around them when I heard what happens to Harry Potter in the final novel. Unfortunately for them, after a few beers, I proclaimed “Hey thanks a lot for ruining the end of Harry Potter for me!”. They gave me the oddest look which was probably well deserved as they looked at the raving lunatic at the back of the bus. Vero and Mike howled in laughter. I suppose it serves me right as the media has been pretty good with not revealing the ending yet and I could have got a hold of the novel by now (Annie, I’m looking at you for a source of literature here!). We retired the night by watching Pirates of The Caribbean 2 (which I managed to get through an hour of before crashing).

iplaying: Ants Marching (Live) – Dave Matthews Band (The Best of What’s Around)