
The Day Where Nothing Goes According to Plan

I’m sure everyone has had one of these days. Mine occurred yesterday.

I had my written exam for a promotion yesterday which was grueling. Argh. I couldn’t get my head around it. Alright, maybe it wasn’t that bad but I was on high gear for the full four hours.

After that was completed and my brain was swollen, I had to head over to the University to get some literature to review for my report which is due on Monday. I’m going to do a sociological report on how women tend to work more in social program/policy areas than men. When I say ‘more, I mean in terms of sheer numbers of people, not the load of work they do (although I’m sure there are some theories on that!). So I have to find some literature to back that up.

The problem with this is that at the library, they have a search feature but it’s more about searching for an actual journal, not articles within a journal. That can’t narrow my search! Plus, when I finally found the link which said “Want to search for articles in a journal?” it turned out ot be a dead link and I tried a few different computers. Knowing that the search function was on their website, I figured I could just log into a computer with outside access and use that…but I needed a user name and for the life of me, I do not know my University user name as I had never needed to use it. Argh!

Tail between my legs, I admitted defeat and decided to go home, search the Internet for my sources and hopefully write my report last night.

On my way home, I pass by Mike in his truck, wave to him and continue on home. When I get to the front door I realize my house key is not on my key chain. Whaaa? Turns out that I had forgotten it in my jogging shorts the other day. I take it off the chain so I don’t have to have a ring of keys in my backside while out for a jog. Clearly, this worked against me and I was locked out of my house.

I figured that Mike must be out getting groceries or something so I just sat in the car, read The Lies of Locke Lamora for awhile, then decided to take a nap. When I awoke, it was an hour later and I realized that Mike must be gone for good. So much for my plans to work on my report!

I headed over to Rob and Jan’s place where I found a cornucopia of Hallowe’en decorations! Donna was also there which was a nice surprise since I hadn’t seen her in a few years. She now has a house out in Carp RIGHT NEXT DOOR to her parents. Imagine that! She gets the bonus of a lifetime – free food all the time!

I hung out at Rob’s place until around 9PM when Mike called and said he was back home. I sauntered into the house and called it a night as I was frustrated with the whole ordeal. It was still nice to see Rob, Janice and the kids but in the back of my head I was screaming “Oh man, if only I could have got that report done tonight!”

Case in point – get two sets of keys made and drop them off at two sets of friends close by.