
Sens Army Event

Hey Ho, let’s go! Another day, another blog entry. For the masses. You are it. The people who come to Palmer’s World and crave to hear more from my existence.

Last night I existed on many fronts – I existed on the exercise front where I jogged around the block while stopping into the post office to pick up my smashing new vinyl! I ordered a few Smashing Pumpkins 7″ vinyl singles from the UK. Unfortunately for me, shipping from the UK sucks price wise and let’s not forget that usually the vinyl is more expensive anyhow…but that’s the life we live in when North America isn’t friendly to the vinyl collectors.

Later in the evening I picked Vero up from work and we headed out to the Scotiabank Place as we had tickets to the Sens Army event for the night (courtesy of Eric and Annie, thanks guys!). We strolled in there, took our seat on the floor around Row 30 and watched them introduce this year’s Ottawa Senators. After much clapping and all around hockey goodness we waited for the first comedian to come on for the night.

Scott Harris came on and we had a good laugh with him joking about being old and a slew of stuff about Tim Horton’s which was hilarity. Unfortunately for Vero and I, the acoustics in the Scotiabank Place SUCKED last night. I believe Mike and I were in the same boat one time at a concert where we are in this spot on the floor where the sounds emanating from the stage reverberate back as an echo so the sound is muffled with an echo and it’s hard to hear.

It wasn’t TOO bad for Scott Harris’ set but then the headliner came on (Jeremy Hotz – he was doing this weird thing where his hand always went to his forehead) and we couldn’t hear a word he said. Of the words we caught, I just didn’t find it funny so Vero and I decided to cut out early.

Unfortunately for us, as soon as we walked ten rows back from where we were, we could hear the guy clearly! We must have been in this echo zone of sound but we escaped it! We still left but it’s good to remember for next time – don’t sit in the echo zone!

One reply on “Sens Army Event”

The Echo Zone !!!! sounds like a “B” movie … I hate arena venus but I detest sitting outdoors in the rain watching a concert even more….take the Echo Zone and get seats in the stands next time is my choice from Ticketmaster….

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