
Zoom Zoom?

I must admit that this article indicating that Ontario has busted over 1000 offenders for speeding over 50 km/hour over the speed limit has me surprised. I can’t say I’ve ever sped to that degree so it surprises me that there are quite a few people who do.

On another note, why doesn’t the law make some ludricous fines to ensure people don’t do this? For example, instead of confiscating their vehicle for a week, take it for three months! A year even! Fines should be increased to a point where they will be paying out of their ass for quite some time!

I don’t think there should be a balance when it comes to laws…they should be in extremes…low extremes for things like underage drinking and smoking marijuana…high extremes for murder and drinking and driving. I understand the concept of rehabilitation so why don’t they have the concept in some laws that the first chance is all they get and then afterwards, nothing goes?

6 replies on “Zoom Zoom?”

lol, this is from a guy that blows by me while I’m doing 120Km/h on the way to North Bay!

I can’t complain about my fellow speeders since I hit 150Km/h+( done before the law was in effect! for you respected police officers) on the bike! Now in my defence I don’t normally drive at this speed, it was a test run on a stretch of 416 that had no cars on it. I will not go over the 150 mark in the future.I don’t think I’ll do over 120km/h. I know of a few other motorcycle riders that have run in the 200KM/H+.

This law was brought in because of the street racers, guy that do 120KM/H in the city! Even though I’ll speed on the highway I think it is stupid to hit these speeds in the city streets.

I think it is fair that people should have their car taken away. they have to pay the towing, impound fees, pay for the cab to get them off the highway, loose their licence for seven days, a $2000 fine and then the hike in the insurance when they get their next renewal. I was told ” you wanna play , you are gonna have to pay!” There was a guy that was caught last weekend near Brockville at 170KM/h you have to be under a rock not to know that there is this law out there! people are still speeding!

I think you bring up some very important points regarding speeding. And I tend to agree with you on the need to have more extreme repercussions for speeders.

After all the money and effort put into countering drinking and driving, does it surprise you to know that the leading cause of traffic related deaths in some regions is speeding (not drinking and driving.) I must admit that this may be due to the fact that the campaign against drinking and driving may be gaining some grounds; however, I feel that if speeding is such a dangerous practice on the road, why is there not more effort to make people understand the risk.

Although many will see speeding an drinking under the influence as two completely different types of offenses, the sad fact is that these are the two leading causes of traffic accidents in Canada. The chances of an accident being fatal increases dramatically when speeding is involved.

Here’s a link to a recent article in the Vancouver Sun that deals with the speeding:

There is also a very different social reaction to the two infractions. I think Joe’s comments are a testament to this; he would not be discussing as openly about drinks he had before going home.

I’m not saying that drunk drivers are unfairly treated when compared to other highway traffic act offenses; I just think that the emphasis needs to be shared amongst all the dangerous behaviours on the road.

I also think that speeding down a straight “stretch of 416 that had no cars on it” is equivalent to saying, I know I was over the limit , but I only live 6 blocks away. (Sorry Joe, I don’t mean to single you out, but I need to make my point.)

In the end, I just want to say that the infractions for speeding should be much more severe.

I didn’t comment on the drinking and driving was due to the fact that I’ve never done it. I’ll have a beer every hour and a half to a maximun of three. So three beers over 4. 5 hours, then it is someone elses turn to drive or a call to the cab company to get my ass home.

I know a few people that are proud of the fact that they’ve driven drunk, but yes many more brag about their speeding!

Eric definitely has a valid point in the fact that society seems to glorify speed and look down on drinking and driving…where excessive speeding could be just as dangerous. Note that I say ‘could be’ considering I’m too lazy this morning to actually find stats to confirm that suspicion. Ha ha.

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