
Pennies To Feed The World!

After nine years of filling up a 40 oz bottle of Absolute Vodka with pennies, it was finally full.

Time to count the change!

Let’s recap some past events involving me counting change. Like when I counted my beer bottle of change in which the beer bottle was the size of a small dog and there was $1000 in it. Awww yeah!

So I know that pennies don’t really amount to much but I had these visions of having at least $50 from it.

In the end, it took me three hours to count out $24. Ah well. It had to be done. I’m glad this will only occur every nine years.

One reply on “Pennies To Feed The World!”

or you can save it for a rainy day…bet someone…then pay it by glueing all the pennies to a board…just a thought 😛

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