
Shure SM58

A few days ago I was looking for something totally unrelated to the Shure SM58 microphone on Steve’s Music website and stumbled upon the deal of the century – a Shure SM58 microphone for $100! Also, a $10 gift card for Steve’s Music!

I contacted Troy to determine if this was in fact a good deal and he confirmed it and ordered me to pick it up right there and then.

The Shure SM58 is a high end microphone used for recording vocals. Troy has a couple of them and has raved about them.

So it usually goes for $150 so it was surprising to such a great deal on it. The unfortunate part about it is the fact that the sale was potentially ending by November 30 so I weighed the options of asking for it for Christmas vs. missing out on the great deal and bit the bullet.

Steve’s Music is pretty slick. I ordered it online, got free shipping, received a $10 gift card and they had attempted to deliver it by 11 the next day! Incredible! I was very impressed at how fast it got to my door.

So now all I have to do is pick up a cable for the mic and give it a try this weekend on the recording equipment. Kind of excited! I have all sorts of ideas running around my head in terms of recording…there’s too many to sift through which is hampering my productivity. It’s like I’m scared of recording right now because I foresee a very daunting task ahead. But I want to throw away those thoughts and just have fun with my equipment again…where I get a good riff and hit the record button.

I think it’s the environment I have set up right now. It’s in the basement. It’s not too conducive to musical inspiration. I think I shall move it up to my bedroom and see how that treats me. Maybe seeing some sunlight (who am I kidding? Sunlight is gone by the time I get home!) will bring everything into focus.

iplaying: You Oughta Know (Acoustic) – Alanis Morissette (Jagged Little Pill – Acoustic)

2 replies on “Shure SM58”

Buying something 1 month before christmas is never a good idea.

That’s why Annie and I set ourselves deadlines for purchases. After a specific date, we can no longer buy things for ourselves.

True, I have to send a few messages to her indicating a particularly good sale and how she should hurry if she want’s to include something in with the Christmas gifts, but it’s part of the game.

I think we, as a society, have become so accustomed to purchasing whatever we need or want that the prospect of christmas is completely lost on us. (I’m one of the guilty ones.) Instead of looking forward to a time of giving, we feel we have to go out of our way to give others a chance to buy something we want (or sometimes don’t want.)

That’s why I bought it myself instead of dropping the obvious hint to Vero saying “Hey, this should be on my list and the sale ends in two days. Just a SUGGESTION.”

Ha ha.

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